1. MY FRIENDS; you are my life, my heartbeat, my other half...the thought of not being able to see all your faces takes my breath away. things just won't be the same without ALL of you...
2. my parents; second to none...you have supported me (the way parents usually do) through all my trials and tribulations...i'm going to miss you're nagging...
3. downtown halifax; besides montreal, you were my first experience in the downtown drinking world/dating world...you popped my cherry, and took my innocence away...and made me who i am today...
4. access nova scotia; i've never stayed at a job as long as i've stayed at access...i've made a lot of friends, most for life...and had A LOT of laughs...you really brought me out of my shell, and helped me become the fantastic gay man i am today! to think, i started there still *somewhat* liking girls?!? (aka i was still becoming who i am...)
5. suburbia; i spent the majority of my life in the suburbs...born and raised into suburban middle class living...and i've gotten used to it! condos, pools, spoiled little brats/savages all around you...and a peaceful sunny atmosphere! and don't forget about the midnight skinny dips!!!
6. tim horton's coffee; i know, i know...i should hate it...it's a disappointment to the coffee world in general, and there's sooo much better out there. but when you drink 2 cups of the shit a day...it can't help but grow on you...mmm...caffeine...
7. HOTT boys; you know what, when you're staring up from inside the gutter, with pieces of your heart on the floor in front of you, you can't help but think that you're surrounded by dogs (and i don't mean puppies)...but when you pick yourself up, brush off the sludge from your boot cut gap jeans, and take a look around, you just might realize that this city is chalked full of HOTT, HOTTY, HOTT guys!!!! they're everywhere!! from sitting next to you on the bus, to standing in your lineup at work! take a look around!! trust me, they're there...i've dated just about half of them!!
8. the ocean; yeah i know that there are other beaches all over the world, but when you grew up around beautiful bodies of water like i have (from halifax's beautiful lakes and beaches to the pools of suburbia) the thought of being hours and hours away from sand just brings a tear to my eye...i live a life aquatic, and will never be far from it...and while in maine, it'll be in my heart! don't worry water, i'll be back!!!
9. my friends; wait, did i already say this one? well i can't stress it enough...i think in life you know when you've found someone who'll always be in your heart...no matter how many miles lie between you...cause you're not worried about leaving them. and while i'm totally not afraid of leaving my friends behind, (cause i know that we will always be together), i will MISS them with every ounce of my being...i've been so blessed to be able to surround myself with the most loving group of beautiful people out there, and each and everyone of them is irreplacable, and will always be in my heart...you're my everything, and we've TRULY been THROUGH EVERYTHING; from heart break, to heart ache...from sickness, to health...from laughs to tears...from successes, to failures...and i'll never forget one second of it...
10. the good times; halifax has brought me the most wonderful, unforgettable, memorable, fantastic, sad, happy, exciting, thought provoking, educational, tricky, challenging, enjoyable, pleasurable, sexual, confusing, drunken, high, low, maddening, attractive, BEAUTIFUL times of my life...
and i couldn't be happier.
halifax, you will always be beautiful...take care of my babies! you will certainly be missed!
cheers to many more fantastic years to come!!