now i'm sure everyone is bored to tears with the whole "brangelina" thing, but when i saw these photos i just had to comment on them. brad pitt definitely starts resembling all the women he dates, doesn't he? he totally went blonde and short with gwynneth, then he took on the natural brunette and long straight look of mizz anniston, and now the dark, sometimes gothic look of angelina. what's up with that?
the one in the middle is by-far, my favourite! it's hilarious, isn't it?? he totally looks exactly like gwynneth! do you remember when they were together? gwynneth was the hot new item back in those days! mainly due to the fact that she was hanging off the arm of brad pitt. but who's to say!! that was back around the time of 'interview with the vampire' for him, and 'sliding doors' for her i think.
blast from the past, eh?
do you think this happens in all relationships?? that one person starts to resemble the other? well this certainly remains true in the 'maneurism' category...i know that i've picked up certain traits from everyone i've ever dated. i mean, when you're constantly around someone for great lenghts of time, you can't help but rub off on them a bit, right? but brad certainly takes it to a new level, doesn't he?!?
now for the obligatory comment on the 'brangelina' epidemic. i wasn't at all interested in the gossip that surrounded these two for the longest time, mainly due to the fact that it was all "heresay" up until their reps confirmed what everyone already knew was true. i mean, yes they were seen with eachother time and time again, but everything was complete rumors up until just recently!! i mean, who was to say they weren't just hangin' out!! i mean they were in a movie together, and maybe they were just friends!
that was plausible until it got out that brad had filed to have lawful adoption rights to both of angie's kids!! now that may just be the kicker right there...kind of a dead giveaway, don't you think?
so the two hottest people in hollywood have finally hooked up!! it was bound to happen people! angelina is the type of girl who even straight ladies would swing the other way for, and well brad...let's just say that this lil' gay boy need not even comment on his appeal for fear of crossing into 'redundancy territory'. they're both retardedly beautiful, and will have beautiful children, and a beautiful home, and continue to make the world a beautiful better place while making the rest of us feel bad about ourselves...yada yada yada!
i hope they make a sex tape, and that that sex tape gets accidentally leaked onto the internet...that would be just awesome!
and sad, for them i mean!