well with the blink of an eye, and the crossing of an ocean, life changed all over again...
suddenly i was surrounded by a population who spoke differently than i...suddenly, after 26 years of looking one way before i crossed the street now i had to look the other way...suddenly all the money in my wallet looked unfamiliar...suddenly i had to ask for directions again...suddenly the tv shows all seemed strange and different...suddenly the drivers of cars all sat in the right hand side...suddenly i was starting over...
and as scary as that might seem to those who read this, i welcomed the change with open arms!
suddenly my craving for something new and unfamiliar was satisfied...suddenly my yearning for new faces was met...suddenly my desire for different surroundings felt fulfilled...suddenly my search for something stimulating felt reached...
those who know me know that i don't settle for anything but extremes, its' always been how i built my life...and this move was no exception.
a new smile is upon my face...a new spunk in my step...a new desire to learn everything about my new home buzzes in my brain...
no one's denying it's difficult to leave things behind...but i needed to start making decisions that were best for me...and for that little white and furry fella whose picture you see at the top of this entry...and whose arrival i anticipate like a billion child's anticipation of christmas morning...
next time you're faced with something unknown and unfamiliar...consider the other side...what can you gain from it? how will it fulfill you? will you be a better person because of it?
then jump and go for it!!