Friday, December 31, 2004

head case

no my sweet christina, you are anything but!! the way you're feeling is exactly what you should be feeling...if not a lighter version of it! in fact, if it were me, as we all know, i would be a puddle on the floor!

for those of you who are not familiar with christina's current pickle, here's the condensed version: marky-mark (her little man) is leaving for a work term in alberta! for three months! (the last bit being the kicker). thus her current state as a self-described "head case" (her term, not mine). and thus my rebuttal of "you crazy!!"

well where do i begin...i know in your heart you're thinking, hey i left him for 3 months to go travelling the world...why am i being selfish by not wanting him to leave, when i did the exact same thing only this year!!
but my love, it's a little different this time, because as we all knew you were only visiting these lovely locales, whereas yes, mark is only going there to 'work', but he's also branching out into "life" (whatever that is, eh?) and possibly looking for employment outside of halifax; which has become everybody's little safe there's why you're a little worried! that and the fact that the love of your life is going away...period.

i hope that wasn't too harsh, but i wanted to get it out there. now for the sugar coating; honey, you've both been there for eachother for 4 years. and that isn't going to change, not unless you let it! obviously 3 months feels like a lifetime right now, but as time goes by, it'll be easier. you'll be in school, well at "computer school", and we'll all be here (yes, even me...even though you're a bad friend...just kidding, couldn't resist a shameless plug). time flies when you're having fun, so fun i guess we'll have!

if there's one thing that you and mark have taught me over the years, it's to believe in your relationship. (oh, my) i told you that the two of you (and melissa and frank) have given me faith in the bond that can develop between two people who are in love! so don't disappoint me!! (tee hee) this is just another small pebble in the road that will lead to your life together...whether it's here in halifax or (god help me) alberta, or wherever!! distance is only distance, when someone is in your heart, nothing else really matters, right? and like i said, it's only 3 months...that's nothing sweety, i promise!

now as for the stress you're feeling to try and have him in every one of your poors before he leaves, it's impossible!! it sucks that there's so much for him to do and see before he leaves (family obligations, yada yada yada) and all you want him to do is hold you and be with you...and as you and i both know, when things don't exactly go as we had planned, we get all bitchy! but the most you can do is try to appreciate every moment that you have together before he leaves and simply try to cherish them! it doesn't matter how long they last, as long as they're good! make sense? quality, not quantity.

and don't you dare ever turn off that phone, sometimes i have emergencies too, ya know! (just teasin').

my love, how life doesn't seem fair sometimes does it? but through all these trials and tribulations, we must simply BREATHE...

i love you my sweet, keep that head up!!


BYE BYE 2004!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2004

dirty and filthy

dirt poor vs. filthy rich

have you ever noticed how the two expressions which describe being at either end of the income spectre both involve being the opposite of clean?
i wonder why that is? could it be that both deem money to be dirty? well that doesn't work, cause 'dirt poor' still implies that you're uncleansed...even without money!! poor as dirt! is that what that means? is dirt poor? how do you know that?
but if someone's rich, their automatically deemed to be filthy??? so money makes you dirty...but being poor is also dirty?
so the middle class are the only clean ones??? that hardly seems fair. where's the happy-medium??? can't you be just a little dirty?? or halfway clean? or can you be both dirty and filthy?
interesting concept, huh?


Wednesday, December 29, 2004


hey kiddies, well it's my first day back above water...or should i say "above booze"...yes friends, it was a booze soaked christmas! when i was younger my dad had a song called "daddy's drinkin' up our christmas"...i now know the significance behind that song!

it was a wonderful holiday season, and soon to be followed by sweet sweet new years!! which is bound to be another booze soaked evening!

but you know what, i didn't even get to hear "blue christmas" by sweet, sweet elvis! shitty deal for me, eh? it's my favourite and i totally missed out on it!

no, there was no elvis on my plate this weekend, instead we stuck with the traditional: it was a reggae christmas, as usual!! ...for those of you who've just tuned in, i am the love child of a hippie relationship! and i was born in jamaica...well, conceived in over christmas i spent a lot of time getting back in tune with my jamaican roots!! listening to reggae, a little bob on the side, and smokin' a J with the parentals...yes, it's true...hey, i told you they were hippies!! i was half in the bag when it happened anyways, so i didn't enjoy it as much as some would have liked me to...don't worry honey, it's almost that time of the month again!!
even now, as i'm sitting here at work (on my lunch break, don't worry) i have my sweet bob playing in the backround...ain't nothing like bob on a cloudy day to make that jamaican sun start shining on me!!! it seems that every time i go home, i come back a little more black, and a little more into reggae! (just funnin' about the black part...hey mon, we be jammin'!!) growing up i remember every saturday night mom and dad would put on ckdu for the reggae show, and blast it from the kitchen while they cooked up one of their crazy-hippie-saturday-night-dinners!! and you can't help but have something like that start to grow on you after a while!! and well i'm certainly happy it did!!
so to me, reggae always has a bit of a family vibe to it, that and i can't help but smile and sway my hips when it comes on!! if the world was listening to reggae, there'd be no war...i know i used to say the same thing about a certain hallucinogenic, but that was then...
ahhh, make everything alright!!

so children, imagine yourselves on a sunny beech, the sand in between your toes, a light reggae beat in the backround, and smiling faces all around...and say it with me as you sway those hips; i wanna love you, e-very day and e-very night...

Friday, December 24, 2004

ho, ho, ho

well kiddies, it's christmas eve day...i've always enjoyed the eve part moreso than the actual day, you know what i mean?
today's full of anticipation, and there's a certain panic in the air; everyone running around, trying to pick up that last little gift for that special someone on their list!
everyone's celebrating today, full of holiday cheer, smiles on everyone's faces, the smell of christmas in the air...and as the old song goes; little ones will find it hard to sleep tonight!!
so i know today's post is a short one, but i just wanted to wish you (yes, you) and yours the very best over this merry time of year! happy holidays! merry christmas! happy hanukah! feliz navidad! joyeux noel! and for everybody else who i missed, count yourselves in there somewhere too!

Thursday, December 23, 2004


did you hear that britney got a chihuahua???? her and i are sooo tight, right now!!who's trying to be who now, eh brit?? first i will admit i got a maltese after she did...but the chihuahua is overkill!! and she named it "bit-bit". and it does look like a rat, it's one of those hairless white ones that's like as big as the palm of my hand...
normally i don't like other chihuahuas, other than my own...they really are bitchy little things...except for harley, of course!!

so my honey came home yesterday, looking damn fine might i add, and now today he's moving!!!! just down the street, more or less!! long story but it seems it's for the best! i will admit that at first i wasn't the biggest fan of the neighbourhood (maynard st...) but we all know i can be a bit's not nearly as terrifying as i anticipated. we all hear of "that area" and cringe a bit...and by "we all" i'm referring to those of us who grew up in ol' hali...but we're getting a bit quick to jump to the dismissal these days, in regards to living areas...i mean, little cities like our own is quite the "renters hot-spot", i will admit and since our population is constantly growing, we can't help but start to migrate into other areas, i believe the term is called "overflow"... does that make sense?? well what i'm trying to say is the areas that were once "scary" aren't so scary anymore...and as blake said, they're on their way up, so to speak...and most of us know someone who lives in those "scary" areas of the city. so we shouldn't be so dismissive of them until we've given them a chance!

i'm totally at work right now, but it's the day before the day before christmas, so we're extremely NOT BUSY...hence, the time spent on the computer during business hours...

we drank a bottle of wine last night for his home-cuming...huh? and i almost didn't get up this morning...i wasnt' hungover, but just tired and wanting to sit at home and watch the last 3 episodes of "sex and the city".

totally off topic, but get this; blake and brianne (his lovely sister) are getting tattoos for eachother as their christmas gifts: she's getting the name "Gretel" and he's getting "Hansel" tattooed on their lower backs. isn't that the coolest?!? i'm like a little school girl when it comes to tattoos, cause i think their the hottest things ever! their gonna be in like fairy-tale writing! i'm so excited for them...i really want to go with them when they have it done, cause i've never been with someone ELSE, to watch...actually that's a lie, i went with leanne when she got her butterfly on her tummy...but that was forever ago, and i couldn't even watch! she, on the other hand, couldn't take her eyes off the needle as it was being done!! so i totally have to go and watch this time!! tattoos are a big deal, there's something oddly sexual about the pain associated with and the process in general of getting tattoos!

do you know what i mean? it's pain, but not like blinding white pain...more like...sweet kinda pain...i don't mean masochistic kinda pain either, but there's a thrill involved when you're sitting there in that chair, and the dudes about to start, and you hear that needle start buzzing...(kind of a scary sound, but it's a part of it) and then he puts his cold hand on your skin to steady you, and you brace yourself for the first line...and then the first contact of the needle with's like cat scratches...dragging along the skin...the outline has always been the worst...that and when he fills it in, cause the needle is like scrapping away at your skin to fill the space, i just made it sound totally gross, didn't i? but it's not so bad, after a few seconds your skin goes numb and's when he stops, that the feeling returns, and then it starts up again and the pain returns.

but anyways, tattoos are something that are there think them through...i absolutely adore mine...they're the best thing i've ever done, honestly! and i'm not done there, oh no my friend...i've only begun having my fun! just kidding!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

my prescription is your kiss, and boy you got me wantin' it...

sorry, that lyric is gonna be stuck in my head all day long!!

things i couldnt' do without/my favourite things (in no particular order)

1. popcorn; honestly, big bowl every night.
2. my friends; because they're great, and they put up with my bullshit
3. coffee; cause i b-line it for tim hortons every morning before i even go into the office.
4. red bull; cause when you're hung over and want carbonation AND caffeine, it provides both in a nice little package.
5. sunshine; i'm a junkie! deal with it...
6. music; cause it makes the world go round. i honestly don't go into a room without putting on music! is that sad?
7. my dogs; they drive me crazy sometimes, but you know you all love them!!!
8. vodka; ahhh, old faithful...
9. quiet time; we all need a little time to unwind and just fuckin' be...
10. kisses; from that special someone...
11. the beech; enough said...
12. sex; kinda ties in with #10
13. halloween; cause it kicks christmas' ass
14. sleep; although it would be cool if you could inject it, think about it...
15. chicken fingers; mmmm...hungry anyone?
16. drew barrymore; my inspiration
17. my american eagle jeans; super low-rise bell bottom flares...why don't they put them out again?
18. le chateau; it's where my pretty clothes come from.
19. ebay; grrr...the source of my po-ness...
20. sex and the city; i'm totally a carrie, you?
21. clothes, compliments, and cock...i'm sorry, what? (can't take credit for that one, it's a rip-off of a line from #20...yeah, samantha!

well kiddies, i have to jet, just thought you all might enjoy a taste of my delicious psyche, want some more??? huh, do ya? beg for it...

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


well kiddies, i promised you a "sarah" entry...but we'll have 6 months to prepare for that!!
today's the first day of winter...sad, eh? but the sooner it starts, the sooner it'll be over! and with the inevitable beginning of winter, that can only mean one thing; christmas is near...but more importantly, NEW YEAR'S EVE is nearer!!!
i dont' know why new year's eve is such a big, don't get me wrong i love it, probably even more than the next guy, but what's so big about it? have you ever really considered it?
it's just another reason to drink, isn't it? just another friday night out with the crew, right? WRONGO!!! it's new years!!!!! it's the end of a year, and the beginning of a new one! it's also the solution to the sad anti-climax that follows with the conclusion of the christmas season! it's the one time of the year that even those who don't usually "indulge" will break out those beer bongs and get crazy!! hmmmm, it's funny the way this holiday (and yes, it is a holiday) went...if you think about it, it would make sense if new year's eve was an eve of hermit-ish behaviour!! we should all be staying inside and hibernating (?-spelling) and consider all the terrible things we did in the year that has passed...

fuck that!!! new year's is a time to celebrate!! young and old, get crazy, funkin' go nuts!!!!! (meliss, that was for you) it's not every day that one year ends, and a new one begins!!

now on the subject of new year's resolutions, i can't say i've ever been on their side! the whole idea of resolving to change something about yourself implies that you've done or been doing something wrong in the first place!! which, of course, is least for me...just kiddin'...

anyways, it's a week or so away, but i'm just getting a little pre-excited for the celebration of the year!!!!!! did i hype it up enough for you yet?

Monday, December 20, 2004!!!

funny thing happened on friday night, which i'll get into before i start my 'sarah-gushing.' well renee and amanda and i were on our way to the palace after the pacifico, when we stopped near pizza corner to get a sausage...i mean, a hot dog, when all of a sudden 3 very nicely dressed guys come billowing down the street at an immense speed (probably coming from a christmas party or something, all appropriately pickled). before i knew it one of the guys goes head-on into the lamp post!! the thud of his head smacking into the post was sickening (even though i helped renee finish the hot dog). it was the weirdest thing, cause no one did anything!!! the poor guy went down like a pair of panties on a dublin whore (did it work?) and he just laid there with his head in his hands writhing! i was like if someone dies in front of me on pizza corner, i dont' know what i'm gonna do!!!! and then we just left?!? the next day i went over to renee's house to remind her of this little mishap and talk about the night, and she had almost forgotten!!! that's kinda sad when you think about it! are we so jaded that seeing someone almost splatter his head all over the sidewalk doesn't faze us anymore?? anyways, just thought you'd enjoy that little story of another drunkin' debacle on a friday night!! tomorrow...all sarah, all the time...

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


don't worry kiddies, i'm MUCH better today!

so last night my momma and i went up to the blip (can't believe i just called it that...) and at pets unlimited i bought the littlest one a matching rain jacket (to harley's). and it donned on me, i hadn't spoken much about my little family that i live with!! so here it goes;

about a year and a half ago, i had my heart stolen...from the first moment i looked into those big brown eyes, i knew i had to have him...i even remember our first night together, i remember how he clung to me so tight, not wanting to let me go...we stayed up almost all night, just cuddling and talking about this crazy world that he's just recently been born into...and i know what you're thinking...GROSS ME OUT, you pervs!!! i'm talking about my dog!!!

even before i held him i had picked out a name; Harley. dont' ask me why, i just thought it fit appropriately! actually there was a character on dawson's creek who's name was Harley and ever since i've been attached to it!

he cost me an arm and a leg...and a few pieces of furniture, but he was mine! my first REAL responsibility!! i truly felt like a a manner of speaking. he immediately changed my life. for a while there, i was...i won't say "out of control", but definitely heading for "crazytown" or one of it's close neighbourhoods, and well, harley was almost like my way of putting a stop to all my erratic behaviour. was i looking for a cop-out? maybe, but whatever it was, it worked! he was my baby, and i treated him precisely so! literally, oh i spoiled that dog...i bought him lil' outfits, booties, the best food, and veterenarian attention any dog could ask for! he was a prince...only, he wasn't up to prince status thus far; unfortunately my lil' sweet was very sick for the first year of his life, but he came out on top! and i'm pleased to report that he's in tip-top shape!! *knock knock knock*

so harley and i lived in peaceful bliss for a while, until one stormy night, on a full moon, the evil land-lady upstairs came a knockin', armed with an eviction notice...well, not was a summons from the tenancy board, telling me i had to go and defend my right to own this puppy in that building or (dum dum dum) MOVE OUT!! well to make a long story short, i went, i won, and i least for a while; when my year was up, they subsequently gave me the boot...but it was for the best! i mean who wants to live under a roof with the royal mcnasty as your landlord?

so i started looking for a new place, and sure enough found a quant little (well not so little) flat in the north/south end (not quite north, not quite south, but somewhere in the middle) on robie st. and here i am!!

but after a while, i started to realize how harley seemed to be sad when i left in the mornings. i mean he's alone all day while i'm at work, and that must be a bit trying for a you can imagine what i did next!! yup,i started looking for another breed of dog that would mesh well with my first born! and that's where Jet comes into the picture!

my little one came from a breeder in new brunswick that i found advertising a new litter for sale in the paper. and deep down i knew even as i was talking to the lady on the phone, that i was going to take him on the spot! (all $1200.00 of him!!) and the rest is history!

so there you have my little family, i just thought it wouldn't be fair without a little something dedicated to them! they are a huge part of my life...they're my babies!! and i'd do anything for them! all the dog owners out there are nodding their heads, and the rest of you are shaking them!!! but you know what i mean! they really are like children! anyways...

so next time i promise a much less "PG-rated" entry...don't worry, you know i have it in me...

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

a little bit dramatic

yadayadayada...i've come to terms with the whole aspect!! you all know it's true, and i guess i'm just a little slow on the uptake!

shall i have it tattooed on my forehead? or just printed on a fuckin' flag that i'll wave around as i walk down the street????

i've already said how i wanted to have it on a t-shirt...kung-fu here i come!!!!
oh, my...all this and it's only tuesday! but you know what? what's life without a little bit of drama? but if a little bit's ok, then where do you draw the line? how do you know when enough's enough?

does our bullshit start to diminish as we grow up? do things level out after we hit that mid-twenties mark? (i guess that's why they call it "20something angst")...or am i doomed to be highstrung '4eva' (chris that was for you!!)

when do we smarten up? and just fuck off??? no wonder this is the time that most post-teens move out of their parents' houses...they couldn't stand us any longer!!!

obviously i'm overreacting, because that's what i do best...either it's due to the fact that i spent the first 18 years of my life under the same roof as my "queen of the highstrung" mother, or all those years of raving and you know what...well pooze to all i have to say!

maybe the occasional cigarette isn't so bad, it used to be the only thing that kept me balanced...i guess you could say i'm a little thrown off my groove...I hate drinking two nights in a totally kills me for the first few days of work...oh,well at least my wounds have healed from the weekend: my neck and tailbone were both soar, and my face was either meningitis, a sex sprain, or due to dancing too hard...i haven't decided yet, myself...


Monday, December 13, 2004

under the sheets

well, madonna wrote a book about it, we all know it sells, pop culture is obsessed with it, the supreme court tries to censor it, men think about it every 3.5 seconds (?), even courses are taught about it...yes kiddies, it's time to discuss everyone's favourite dirrty guilty pleasure!!

do you remember that special conversation your parents had with you? you know the one, the birds and the bees??? i'm sure it's the one thing all parents dread having to do, and secretly wish their children will find out for themselves...whether through friends, other kids' parents, tv, in locker rooms...whereever!!

i remember mine...well, somewhat anyway; i seem to recall a book being involved, with illustrations, nothing too crazy now, these are MY parents we're talking about (two tree-hugging, environmentally-friendly, pot smokin' hippies!! god, love 'em) my father was nowhere to be seen, and seemed to want to avoid the situation completely...i wonder why???

well nevertheless SEX is something that rules our society. some people flaunt it, some people prefer to keep it very bottom-shelf-brown-paper-bag! but why bother? it's something everyone does, but that nobody talks about...openly, that is...despite the fact that it's everywhere!!! and you know what i've never understood? the people who lie to themselves about their sexuality! like the slut who pretends she's behaving (even though she just finished banging an entire frat house...oh,well it was her first kegger...) or the little girls next door who dress like an extra from the latest jenna jameson flick but who've never even breathed the word "fellatio". no, i'm totally kidding! my point is that i love when people are honest about their sexuality. just fuckin' do it people!! who cares? as long as you're ok with it, then who gives a shit?!? and that's an important part of it; you can be as crazy in the sack as you wanna be, just respect yourself...and others, of course. protection,'s the name of the game!! i know everyone wants to behave a little bit...mostly because of that little voice in their heads...a conscience, i think it's called?? but that doesn't mean you can't be a little nasty under the sheets!! afterall, it's sex, that's the way it's sepposed to be!!

what i'm trying to prove is that everyone has a sexual side to themselves. and in my opinion, you shouldn't be afraid of it! and don't be afraid to talk about it. i've stopped blushing about sex like, what...10 years ago!!!! why bother, if you're hush-hush about it, then there's something wrong and you're not having enough fun!! put it out there and in your face (heh, heh) it's honestly the most natural things two (or three, or four) human beings can do. never forget that! no matter what your parents might have told you! some people don't kiss and tell, but i must say i'm quite the fan of chatting about it...(why just look at today'e entry!!) well not in a shamefull way, but if you can't talk openly about these things, then who's gonna listen??? i'm sure my friends have been grossed out on more than one occasion by the retellings of my sordid past experiences (you know who you are!!) and yes, i'm sure sometimes i've gone too far, but what's a story without details??

anyways, i'm getting off topic. it's interesting to compare sex today with sex of's always evolving and getting just a bit more risque, but wouldn't it be weird if suddenly we step back into a '50's way of thinking: you know, back when a sexy bathing suit left EVERYTHING to the imagination?? waaaay before even showing a little bit of midriff was considered scandalous??? no wonder the generations before us are scared of the prosti-tots of today!! take my favourite music video to date: "dirrty" by mizz aguilera; if my grandmother ever saw that i'm sure she'd have a corinary on the spot!!

i guess we'll see what transpires in the future! only time will tell!!

well my kiddies, i should be getting back to work (now that i'm all hot and bothered) i hope you enjoyed my 1st "under the sheets" session...more to 'cum' case you hadn't noticed i'm a bit a completely loving way, ofcourse!!
stay safe, and stay kinky...and remember, no pain, no gain...*wink, wink*

Friday, December 10, 2004

my prerogative

well kiddies, on fridays i tend to put on some sort of fun dvd to watch during breakfast that's sure to get me in the mood for the weekend to come, and well this morning i decided to slip in my britney spear's dvd of all her videos!

thusly why i chose to dedicate today's entry guessed it, "the brit".

well britney and i had a bit of a falling out ever since she was fist spotted sporting around town with that 'federline' fellow, but rest assured, she and i have patched things up!

britney started her career as the carooning school girl from the "baby, one more time" video, and the music industry has never been the same. watching her video dvd, it's interesting to see how she progressed as an "artist". and yes, she is an artist so stop snickering!! that young, flat, bubble-gum pop, brunette little girl has developed into a "wannabe-wild", chain-smoking, heavy breathing, sex-infused, bottle-blonde, federline-marrying little hussy!! and i wouldn't have it any other way!!

some put her down for her choices, yours truly being one of them, (and i still stand by my being against kevin and his baggy-jeans-two illigitimate children-shaggy-hair person that he is...) but when you look at it from another way, it's us that made her that way, isn't it? society pushed her in a certain direction and now we're blaming her for it! we call her a "slut" and a "whore" because of the way she dresses, then we go out on a friday night and dress exactly like her, or WORSE! people make fun of her because she flaunts her sexuality...but then we do the exact same thing...only it's usually behind closed doors, wherease she's being photographed doing it in US magazine!

isn't she just living her life? doing what normal people our age do? isnt' she human and vulnerable like the rest of us? instead of putting her down, we should be feeling a bit sorry for her; yes some of her choices may seem somewhat "low-rent" to the outside world, but we all make's just our mistakes aren't portrayed on entertainment tonight.

i saw a picture of her in (surprisingly enough) US magazine, of her and kevin on the beech in was a photo from behind so all you could see were their backs, but in front of them there was a WALL of photographers...ON THE BEECH!!! just snapping picture after picture of the two of them...just hangin' on the beech like two normal people...the press couldn't get enough of it!!! it was soo sad because this will be her life forever!! the press will never lay off her, because she's so interesting to the public eye; what will britney do next? how will she surprise us now? we're setting the poor girl up for disaster! and i feel sorry for her...

well the only thing i can say is i hope she continues to grow as an artist (there's that word again) and continues to live her life the way she wants to, despite all the hooey that the paparazzi spues out at her! she's definitely unique and seems to set the bar for other young girls her age who are just starting out in the business, and no doubt she'll be remembered 20 years down the road, if not for her slightly fluffy/forgettable music, then at least for her nasty shenanigans!!!

keep up the dirtyness, brit! you know i'll stand behind you 100%, and i promise we'll never fight again...

Thursday, December 09, 2004

life, or something like it

words to live by:

1. don't worry, be happy
- obviously comes from my hippie parents...
2. never eat the yellow snow
- sorry, but it's an elementary lesson and probably one of the first ones we ever learned
3. what goes around comes around
- although it sounds more propaganda than actual truth...
4. live, love, laugh...sleep later
- that's my personal motto, although i stole it from a jose cuervo ad...
5. if it's free, i'll take two
- a friend's father growing up always said that, and it just kinda stuck...
6. "carpe diem"
- shakespeare, enough said.
7. it could always be worse
- kinda sad when you think about it, but whenever you're going through something that's royally shitty, it helps...
8. always throw salt over your left shoulder
- or is it your right?
9. daydream at least once a day...
10. take time for yourself...
11. wish upon a star...
12. fall in love...
13. and enjoy every minute of every day...

sappy? maybe. truth? you betcha.


Wednesday, December 08, 2004


well since the lovely christina and melissa both finished exams yesterday, and since the inevitable holiday is coming at the end of this month, i thought i'd dedicate today's entry to that silly little holiday that graces us at the end of this month; yes kiddies it's almost CHRISTMAS!!

soon all the little children will be snug in their beds, with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, as they await the arrival of everyone's jolly fat man in red!

it's a time for celebration, for family, for friends, and for's funny that when you're a kid it's all about the presents, no matter how much you don't want it to be! you can't help but wish and hope that you wake up christmas morning to find that special something under the tree smiling up at you! your parents try to teach you the real meaning behind the 25th, but until you reach a certain age...their words fall upon deaf ears.

but as you get older, and your parents ask you what you'd like/need for almost find yourself at a loss??!! but how can this be? i've never had a problem wanting things before...what ever could be the matter?!? well the answer is probably different for everyone, but since this is my blog you're only gettin' one side...MINE!! personally i think it's because with age we become less selfish...hard to believe i know, and this is coming from an only child!

to me when i look forward to the holidays i'm thinking of good eats, good drinks, and cozy times by the tree! most people watch christmas movies to get themselves in the mood; you know the frosty the snowman, rudolph, charlie brown's chrismas and all that hooey...but when i watch christmas movies to get myself in the mood, i usually watch movies that are simply set around christmas!! u dig? like the movie "go" which is set around a christmas rave...or "200 cigarettes" although that one is more about new years than christmas, but whatever...

so although i haven't decorated the apartment yet for christmas, i am somewhat looking forward to doing so...after all it is a NEW apartment to decorate, and with a new addition to the family to celebrate with...Jet!!! yes, my youngest son's first christmas...let's just hope he doesn't eat any bulbs off the tree...

well there you have it, my ode to the holidays...they come and go so fast every year, so try and celebrate as much yule tide cheer as you can, drink lots of egg nog (just make sure to mix a bit o' cap'n in 'er) and steal as many kisses and gropes under the mistletoe as possible...

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


michelle branch once sang "if i just breathe, let it fill the space between, i'll know everything will be alright..." and you know what? it's true...

everyone always tells you to take a deep breath and just relax when things get heavy, and while i've been on the receiving end of this advice, i must admit at the time it usually just frustrates you even more! but once you do allow yourself to cool down, breathing usually does help.

why just look at blake and i; breathing (heavily...) certainly helped us last night. saturday was the day that he and i decided to cut smoke out of our lives completely, in an attempt to save moola and to allow us to breath better...and well for those of you who've ever tried to quit smoking know, it ain't easy! the thing that kinda makes it all the more aggravating to me, is that i've already been down this road (that quittin' road) and came out on top...but then i got a little curious and thought that i might be able to just have the occasional one, like with cocktails or whatever, but that ofcourse didn't work...and here i am again...and it's hun is brave and strong willed and doesn't want any help with it, which i totally respect...and in the end i'm not worried because i believe in him...and most of all i believe in us.

so needless to say we kinda got to eachother last night, but with a deep breath and a few shared words, michelle's predictions came might be a little tough for the next few days, but with buffy by our side and lots of drinks to take the edge off...we won't let it get the best of us.

if you're reading this, thankyou for making me get that off my chest, i always told you i never go to bed with a chip on my shoulder and i'm glad we didn't...go to sleep that is...with a chip...anyways...xoxo and lot's of them.

so kiddies, the moral of today's story is that when things get tough and discouragement takes over, never keep it inside, look towards the brighter side, laugh it off, look into the eyes of someone you love, and always remember to breathe...

Monday, December 06, 2004

the buff

hello all, this is yours truly reporting to you live on this monday morning guessed it, work!! it's minus 9, monday morning, and only 8am...but what are you gonna do?
i guess i can't complain after the fantastic weekend i had! the last time we spoke i informed you all that i had just finished putting myself even deeper in debt with the nice people at visa ( i swear i shoulda cut that thing up the moment it came in the mail ) by purchasing the 7th and last season of buffy, slayer of the vampire.

and did i tell you that it's only weeks away from christmas and i haven't even begun to shop???? why i do these things to myself, i'll never know...

anywho, whilst i also spent some of my weekend in "the buff"...ahem...the title of today's entry is (more) in reference to mrs freddie prinze jr herself! blake and i sat down on saturday morning (after waking up with a side-splitter to kill a horse) and proceded to entertain ourselves with oh, i'd say 14-15 hours of pure, sweet, unadulterated buffy quality time...disgusting? never. a little sad? maybe. fun? you bet your bottom dollar. and we're still not even done yet!!!

ever since chris meaghar introduced me to the buff that historic day at roger's video i was hooked...for 7 glorious seasons (and 6[?] if you count the angel spinnoff) buffy characters alike had graced our little screens with her tales of peril and forbidden love, she represented a female heroin that little girls and confused boys will look up to for years to come. there was even an episode of "the coast" dedicated to her and her triumphs!! i have spent many hours crying...scratch that...bawling hysterically over the sadness that had struck my sweet sweet buffy and all her, killing angel with her own sword in season 2, losing her mother in season 5 etc, etc, etc.

the bottom line is, that she has and will always hold a special place in my heart! and the feeling i'm dealing with now is the fact that the end is in my grasp...i'm only about 4 hours away from seeing how this wonderful show is going to end... and i guess you could say i'm a little sad...perhaps if i prolong it as long as possible, then it'll never end!! but then i risk finding out or having someone RUIN the ending for me...a la sex and the city...which i'm totally not talking about...

so there you have it my kiddies! i will report to you all again soon...hopefully with tears of joy having been satisfied with the result of this sure-to-be-tragic issue that is the conclusion to an epic...let us have a moment of silence...

Friday, December 03, 2004

time after time

the title of today's blog is not only in reference to a catchy runaway pop ditty by one of my generations top selling artists...well ok, not really! but she taught us that sometimes girls just wanna have fun, and that we shouldn't be afraid of our afterhours "bopping" that we all know we all do...anyways, but it's also a topic that i think society obsesses over; have you ever noticed how our lives seem to revolve around the concept of 'time'?

whether it's having too much of it, or simply not enough...or wishing for a certain time to come, or wishing for a certain time to end. we wish it away, then wish we could turn it back. we race against it, or try and make it last longer...but in the end, it's the one thing in life that never really ever changes!

it always moves at the same pace, even though sometimes we swear it either fly's away or crawls's us that change! someone once said that time is the enemy, but i'm starting to think it's not time at all that we have to fear...we should cherish it, for in retrospect it really is precious.

my parents always said (and i know it's a cliche) that we have to appreciate every moment of the day, not matter how dull they may seem. and you know what since i've entered my 20's i've finally begun to realize the truth behind that statement.

why just look at yesterdays entry! i was wishing the week away so that my sweet weekend would finally be here! when really i should have been relishing in the sweet anticipation of the weekend that was to come...wait, is that different?? anywho-zlebees, you get my drift...

todays entry might be a bit less believable if it wasn't in fact friday morning, and i didn't have only 8 wee hours before i'm released into the blissful week-end world that lies ahead!! it'll be filled with my favourite B's: blake, buffy, booze...and if you can think of a b-word for "nasty shenanigans"...then feel free to insert your dirty limerick here!!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

is it friday yet????

the above sentence is one of the only things i can remember about my childhood...wait, there's a story don't worry! and while some of you might be saying to yourselves: that's kinda sad!! don't worry, it's not that bad!!

every day after elementary school i would go to my grandparents house where i would stay there until my parents got off work and would thusly come and pick me up! monday to friday, 5 days a week...well those of you who know me now, can only realize what a hell-ion i must have been as a wee one!! and for those of you who don't know...take my word for wasn't pretty!

soooo, that's where the title of today's entry (and first one ever) stands for; my grandfather had a little sign which sat just under the tv that read : "is it friday yet", the day that he's set free from my fiery little clutches and able to enjoy his weekend before i return to him on monday!!!

today, ironically enough, it's me who's uttering those all too familiar words...only in my case i'm referencing my need for the end of the week to be here! ie the sweet blissful day where i'm able to return home and put my chicken fingers and fries in the oven, take the pooches out, and start the boozin!!!!

friday's never used to have this effect on me, well at least not to this extent, it was always fun to have the weekend be here, but now that i'm a workin' boy (and not in that sense...although...just kiddin') it's all the more important!

in case you hadn't picked up on it yet, the vast majority of my excursions happen on the weekend, so be prepared for some no holds bared stories 'cum' monday: some that might make you cry, some that might make you laugh, and others that are sure to make you cringe, cause guess what kiddies?? this is my bloggy-thingy and i'll be crude if it wanna!!!! cause these boots were made for walkin...and ain't nobody gonna break my stride...wait, i'm a little off topic...

anyways, that's just a little introduction to moi...hope you enjoyed it!! more fantastic entries to come, so stay tuned, and hold your breath till i return...