Sunday, January 28, 2007

Nintendo 64 Kid Remix

p dawg told me about this video, and i had to tell ya'll about's fuckin' hilarious!!! check it out! make sure the sound is up!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

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so as 2007 began i decided to add another new years resolution to my list: i decided to make the conscious decision to not wear a watch anymore! now this may seem like either no big deal to some or at least a very odd resolution...but to me, someone who has worn a watch his whole life, it was a big change!!
but it struck me recently, ok mainly after i got a new tattoo on my left wrist (where my watch usually lies) and wearing a watch over it would just look tacky and too much, but anyways, it struck me that wearing a watch is almost like wishing your day away.
i mean really, when you're at work you're constantly looking at the clock just wishing and hoping that the "work part" of your day will go by just a little bit faster...and while at school, you're constantly looking at the clock on the wall wishing and waiting for class to come to an end so you can be free...and well, that's not the right way to be in my opinion! at least not anymore!
so no longer will yours truly be ruled by the little wrist longer will i be a slave to longer will i wish my day away, not even the boring parts!!
the second order of business today would be my new found obsession with chop sticks! (pictured above). I've always been a lover of asian cuisine, from thai to sushi to basic chinese...i love it all! (mind you it's the vegetarian version of all that food now to which i indulge, but still!) but i've never been very good at operating the sticks that chop, so i usually digress and opt out for the canadian/americanised version of utensil choice to consume my delectable foreign dish. but not anymore! i attempted using the wooden sticks one night over xmas break with my dear sweet kate while having sushi...
AND I'M HOOKED!! i've been finding myself eating noodles of any kind simply for the pure joy of eating them with my chop sticks! i even use them to eat random vegetables for lunch...basically anything i can get my hands on i'll use them to eat with!!
so next time you look at those exotic looking eating utensils and turn away cause they look too difficult, give'em a try! it's not as hard as it looks, and i'm guaranteeing you a pleasant experience. they can even make simple ramen look and feel like an exotic meal!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Kelly Clarkson - Walk Away

just because she's fantastic


Exciting new drink> > > >>> > > >>A woman and her boyfriend are out having a few drinks.> > > >>While they're sitting there having a good time together she> > > >>starts talking about this really great new drink.> > > >>> > > >>The more she talks about it, the more excited she gets, and> > > >>starts trying to talk her boyfriend into having one. After a> > > >>while he gives in and lets her order the drink for him.> > > >>> > > >>The bartender brings the drink and puts the following on> > > >>The bar -- A saltshaker, a shot of Baileys, and a shot of lime> > > >>juice.The boyfriend looks at the items quizzically and the woman> > > >>explains.First you put a bit of the salt on your tongue, next you> >drink> > > >>the shot of Baileys and> >hold it in your mouth, and finally you drink> > > >>The lime juice."So, the boyfriend, trying to go along and please her,> >goes> > > >>for it.> > > >>> > > >>He puts the salt on his tongue -- salty but OK.> > > >>He drinks the shot of Baileys -smooth, rich, cool, very pleasant.> > > >>He thinks - this is OK. finally he picks up the lime juice and drinks> > > >>it.... In one second the sharp lime taste hits...> > > >>At two seconds the Baileys curdles ....> > > >>At three seconds the salty curdled bitter taste hits.> > > >>This triggers his gag reflex but being manly, and not wanting to> > > >>disappoint his girlfriend, he swallows the now nasty drink.> > > >>When he finally chokes it down he turns to his girlfriend, and> > > >>says. Jesus, what do you call that> >drink?"> > > >>> > > >>She smiles widely at him and says,> > > >>> > > >>Blow Job Revenge"

Friday, January 19, 2007

Ask A GAY MAN : Denim Edition

just because i love him...i give you william, my boyfriend...the love of my life!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

the revolution starts today; make it loud; make them proud; make it a reason to be heard; make it count; make it matter; blow the roof off; make them need it; make it hot; make it soul; make it a sonic boom; make it matter by making it yours; make it a reason to get up in the morning; make it heartfelt; make it dirrty; make it full of sex; make it raw; make it edgy; make it addictive; make it ssshakable; make them smile; make them laugh; make them see the you you see; listen to your ticker; listen to your soul; make it what you want to do; make it silly; make it naive; make it your favorite color; have the mind of a child; make it picturesque; make it a cool shape; make it pop; make it like a drug you can't get enough of; make it full of love; tattoo it; pierce it; make it sing; make it dance dance; make it teachable; make a cure; think of a cause; work for it; make it blonde; make it ambitious; forget anxieties; leave your inhibitions at the door; make it stay up late; make it last

this revolution will not be televised


so that was a photo taken of me yesterday...just kidding...but i did go skiing last night at the hill like right across the street from my house!! it was AMAZING!! honestly, i never thought i could have so much fun frolicking in the snow! me! the hater of snow!! but i came to the realization the other day as i was shopping for snow pants; hey, if i'm gonna be living in the worlds most northern spot (well not really, but you get it) i might as well take advantage of mother nature's "gift" that she's provided the people of this village with...

that being 'snow' of course!

when in rome, eh? and i'm certainly glad i did partake in last night's activities. it was LOADS of fun...the bunny hill and i had a few chance encounters...and then i braved the t-bar lift all the way up the big-kids hill!!!! it was a tad bit terrifying...but all in all, i can honestly say i'm HOOKED!!

when we going next??? cause i see myself being drafted in the "snow bunny" club...

my god, what's happening to me???


by the way, what i write on here is for a select group of people...that select group of people is commonly known as "MY FRIENDS", to which some people are not really a part of...i think 'they' know who they are.

i don't give a shit if my blog offends people, i don't give a shit if it hurts peoples feelings, i don't give a shit if it's controversial, i don't give a shit if it comes off bitchy/mean/hurtful/insensitive/malicious/childish ect...because guess what????


so if you find yourself thinking that maybe you may fall into the category of my "non friends" then ask yourself: WHY AM I READING THIS ANYWAY???

cause here's another little piece of info for ya; i don't write this for you, i don't write this for any of my ex'es (except for you blake...i'm still your biggest fan!!), and i don't write this for people i don't like...

i write this blog for do some people even find the address, is something i've found myself asking myself a lot lately...but one thing i'm sure of; i'm not apologizing for something that i wrote on here that got misinterpreted by someone who assumes the world revolves around them...

so in closing; if ever you got (in error) an invitation to read my inner thoughts and rambles...and you know i don't want you here...i hereby revoke it.


Friday, January 12, 2007

ASK A GAY MAN : Fashion Edition #4

my new boyfriend...i heart william sledd

Thursday, January 11, 2007


i'm so better than you LOVE IT? come and get it, fuck it, lick it, live it, dance, wind it up, and don't stop...i keep messin' up, that's what i do...learn from it, and don't let him decide how you want to be... no matter how he multiplies...

you decide

how you let it be.

come and fuckin' get it, baaaaaby

fuck him mn

owww owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
let the sensations multiply and come and get it


we are fuckin' shooting stars; we are what we want to be, we are what we strive to be, we are what we hope to be...and everyone out there who thought we might not make it, or thought we might not be right for that person, or thought we might not be right for that job, or thought we might not be right for that position, or thought we might not be ready for that kinda situation, or thought we might not be ready for a baby, or thought we might be too immature for marriage, or thought we might be too immature with money, or thought we might be too crazy to consider another person in our grand scheme of things, or thought we might be too judgemental for someone else, or thoght we might be too PENT-UP IN OURSELVES to actually ALLOW SOMEONE TO LOVE US...HELLO MIZZ HOLLIS; who thought we might we too fuckin' proud to actually allow ourselves to open up to the prospect to being happy, to everyone who ever turned their head at a love song, to everyone who ever thought they were never good enough, to everyone who thought they would never hold someone in their arms, to everyone who thought thet would never love someone...

think again...and shut the shit up.

Monday, January 08, 2007


going along with the idea of change that i've adopted for 2007, i under went hypnosis today...yes, for the second an effort to quit smoking once and for fuckin' all. i'm so hoping it will work this time, actually scratch that...i'm so hoping i will stick to it this time, and not get cocky or down on myself and turn to those nasty nasty poison sticks again.

the whole idea behind hypnosis just floors me. i can't really say i fully understand the actual premise behind the whole deal...but i can say that i believe in it.

i left the office in the same state that i left the last time; a little dazed and confused...but hopefull. and that's all that matters. it was a woman doctor who i saw this time, and she had the most soothing german accent i've ever heard. which is ironic because i don't usually find german accents the least bit melodic, but it was pretty nice!

anyways, stay tuned for updates my kiddies...and keep those fingers crossed for me!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Thursday, January 04, 2007

H 2 DA ott

recently i started thinking about where exactly i'm going to want to be teaching when i graduate from university, and it struck me...i can go ANYWHERE!!

that's one good thing that always hits me when i'm not in a relationship; and that's that there's absolutely nothing tying you down!! no one else to consider before you make decisions; no one else's situation to take into account; and basically no one else to worry about!!

you can be completely and totally selfish...well, not selfish in the strictest sense,but you have nothing keeping you in one compromises to consider...just you!

which obviously paves the way for loneliness to eventually settle in...BUT at least you'll have lots of freedom to take advantage of, right?? i guess it all depends on what way you look at the situation...

anyways, i'm getting side tracked...when i was thinking of locales on which to take up residence, certain attractive options came to zealand has to be at the top of my's warm, tropical, all around beautiful, and land of the zandel (apparently that's what they call flip-flops). my cousin is currently teaching there. he just got a permanent position, and actually just got married to a lovely little local as well! in short, it's paradise!!

a second option, and just as hot a climate, would be texas...yuppers, don't mess with texas's where i'd like to be!! my uncle lives and works down there as well and he speaks very highly of it. aside from the texas chainsaw massacre chapters, i've always been quite fond of the warmth and down-home-straight-outta-the-south atmosphere that emanates from that fine state...and if they could just forget about Bush for one second, then maybe we could get along juuuuust fine.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


1. to keep living, loving, and laughing as hard as i possibly can.

2. to listen to myself more, and put myself first.

3. to continue listening to my heart, and not let my head interfere with my actions.

4. to not date anymore fuckin' jerks, assholes, children, boys who are unsure of 'who' they are, guys who don't know what they want, or guys who will use me/ignore me/play games with me/fuck around/hurt me/act immature/give me the silent treatment, or who are anorexic/bullimic/drug addicts/19 years old/from moncton or any other small town or who are either too much different from me. phew.

5. to continue to do well in school, and get myself a fabulous teaching career in either new zealand, texas, australia, new york, los angeles or france.

6. to quit smoking, once and for fuckin' all...come ooooooon hypnotist!!!!!!!!!!!

7. to not let my past dictate my future. what's done is done, leave your inhibitions at the door, and always look forward, not behind.

8. to grow up...a little anyway...ok, well mostly in regards to quitting BAD habits.

9. to not be afraid to jump at an opportunity that needs to be taken, even if it scares the shit out of me.

10. to be me.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

i had a terrible one-night stand, i drank waaay too much, i did too many drugs, i gossiped a lot, i slept with about 10 different people, i didn't always use a condom, i had 4 hiv tests; 1 scare (but all is well now), i made a lot of mistakes, i was judgemental...often, i lied to my best friends and my parents, i picked up bad grammar, i lost the love of my life, i used my visa too much, i shopped and wasted a lot of money on things i didn't need, i used my grandparents christmas money for coke, i took up smoking again after quitting for a year and a half, i started cracking my knuckles again, i fucked up my ex-boyfriends 'left-over' shit that he had at my house...and then gave it all back to him, i called the police on the same ex and reported him as a drunk driver while i was pissed at him, i turned a little ghetto (at least in regards to my taste in music), i flirted with my friends boyfriends, i told secrets i said i wouldn't, i talked about my best friends behind their backs, i lied on my student loan application, i lied to people i met to make myself sound more interesting (only a little), i talked myself up a lot, i watched a hell of a lot of porn, i bought 2 new sex toys...and named them hot boy names, i was irresponsible, i told at least 100 people to 'fuck off', i swore waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much, i got 2 new tattoos, i wasn't as good a friend as i could have been many times, i used sex to get something i wanted, i had sex with someone i didn't even really like, i said i love you to someone whom i didn't, i used people emotionally to get what i wanted, i was mean to people, i made out with like 100 people, i kissed girls, i partied a helluva lot, i was a glutton, i told people they didn't look fat when they did, i lost weight, i ate things off the floor, i danced dirtilly, i was a little slutty, i was vain, i jay-walked often, i contemplated smashing someone's windshield in their car, i didn't always think before i acted...
but i also learned.

well i woke up this morning and i can actually say that i honestly felt different. maybe it's the new year that's among us, maybe it's just my personal realization that i'm not a teenager anymore, or maybe it's just that silly little thing we call 'adulthood' that's finally starting to affect me...but whatever it was, the end of 2006 has catapulted yours truly into a new state of mind.
i think it struck me while we were out on new year's eve, while we were dancing at "the french quarter"; i looked around the bar, and everyone (who was around my age) wasn't really dancing...most were just socializing and just walking around, (most enjoying their highs!!) and it hit me; wow, i'm one of them!! i don't know if that makes any sense, but i came to realize just how old i actually am! i had an amazing time, don't get me wrong, but the days of clubbing and staying up and out all night and sauntering in at 5 am have come and gone...and to paraphrase carrie "that ship has sailed...and tragically, i'm still on it!"
but the outlook is good, and i'm feeling pretty good about 2007. i have my hypnotist appointment to quit smoking (for good) on the 8th, i'm thinking that (although i'll always be a clubber at heart) that i'm somewhat through with the 'going out EVERY single weekend'; sometimes it's nice to just hit a house party, as opposed to going out to a bar and not socializing with your friends account of the music being so loud!!
and the major change i'm looking forward to is the next person i plan on dating will not be someone i meet at a bar...cause if past experiences have taught me anything, it's that everytime a club romance developes, it goes NOWHERE...
let that be a lesson to all of you.