Wednesday, February 28, 2007

well i'm not sure if amidst my excitement i was able to share with ya'll the good news or not, but if i haven't let me take this opportunity to say:
you could say i'm a little stoked.
yes, miss gwennie kicks off her 'sweet escape tour' next month (april) in vegas, she's going to be joined on the road by Akon and Lady Sovereign in a massive tour that's sure to leave everyone wanting more, more and MORE!!
i'm going to be able to see her in montreal at the bell center in may (yup, just after my big ol' 2-6 birthday!! happy birthday to me!!!)
this is a moment i've been looking forward to for a very long, looooong time! i've been a devoted gwen fan since the early days when no doubt was merely a garage band memory! so stay tuned as the day gets closer and my excitement grows!!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

doggy pyjama's, being mean to exes," just jack" (the band...they're fantastic), "feist" (another girl band from nova "inside and out"), pink on boys,, over-sized white shield sunglasses for spring, moving to the states, upside-down bandanas (on guys and girls), melt-downs (a-la-britney), "music and lyrics" with drew barrymore (aka the most romantic movie of the year), "factory girl" (based on andy warhol's muse), dj tiga, dj dan at reflections (even though i'm going to miss it), black iPod nano's, drinking wine on patio's instead of beer in the spring/summer, day-trips, gwen stefani's harajuku lovers line, gwen stefani's concert/new cd/style/husband/baby/l.a.m.b, pride 2007, blonde with brown foils, FACEBOOK, FACEBOOK, FACEBOOK,, ditching myspace, being enigmatic instead of skanky, not giving it up on the first date, cancelling dinner dates and making them want it even more, working on the side, teaching, eating healthier, not ditching uggs even though pamela anderson told me to, celebrity biographys, pop art, not wearing leather or fur, louis vuitton's spring collection, go-go dancer's in bars, diamonds, messaging on facebook instead of texting
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Thursday, February 22, 2007

my momma and i went to see this lovely 'feel-good' flick the other night as part of our mother/son-bonding experience of me being home for a while! and i think it goes without saying that i LOVED/ADORED/CAN'T WAIT TO OWN IT ON DVD seeing as how i live and breath drew barrymore...but besides that, the movie stirred a little something in me, and that was the "musical instrument" bug (which i thought had long since faded away!)
before you go hatin', yours truly used to (believe it or not) play the saxaphone...until i quit because i couldn't stand the feeling of wood in my mouth...the wooden reid that is, perverts...(stop giggling)
but not to toot my own horn or anything, but i was pretty damn good; my fingers moved oh so quickly over the keys, and i had a knack for picking up new tunes by ear!
but this time around, it wasn't the saxaphone that peaked my interest, it was the piano!! i know it may sound silly for a 25 year old who's never once been taught to play the piano would suddenly have an interest in learning, but i do!!
actually i have always had a deep passionate appreciation for the piano, and have always dreamed of one day being able to play. and watching this movie just renewed that passion that i thought had faded away.
and it's at this point in my life, where i'm beginning to realize that my passion could soon one day become a reality! i've been thinking of how and where i want my home to be (when i officially get a teaching job) and one thing i now know i want to have in that home, is a grand piano!!
i can just picture myself entertaining guests and leading them in a pop star inspired sing-along infused by cosmopolitans, around my sexy black grand piano!!
now, i just need to find someone to teach me to play...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


well i've totally fallen in love with girls' jeans...yeah, yeah...i know! it's pretty bad when you're a boy who's SO heroin chic (aka slim) that he doesn't fit into men's jeans and has to resort to the fairer sex's denim selections to find something that better suits his physique...but c'est la vie, eh?

actually, i'm very much ok with it...i've even gotten used to the judgemental/surprised look from the american eagle girls as i immediately proceed to the women's side to pick out their jeans!!

anyways, for any of you out there who are in the market for a new pair of jeans; let me reprise my past role of "salesboy extraordinaire" and give ya'll a little shameless plug on these amazing jeans.

this fantastico cut is for those who like it LOW...super low, at that. with the lowest rise on a jean that i've ever tried on, be prepared to show a little skin when you sit down/bend over/stretch, etc.

it fits tight through the thigh area with a 19" flair at the ankle for that little bit of extra-room that 'boot-cut' just can't give ya. there's something about this specific super-low rise that just makes the butt look amazing!


Monday, February 19, 2007

i'm not even going to comment on the horrors of what's happened to my dear sweet sweet brit-brit this past weekend. let's just say that i'm completely shocked and concerned for this sweet little girl lost.

and is not ironic that this has all happened just after i wrote her my amazing letter voicing my concern for her future.

regardless, i think it's a travesty and beyond a sin that she has fallen so far and so fast. no matter if you're a fan of ms. spears or not, you can't help but be touched when another girl falls prey to the temptations of a hollywood life...

britney, i hope you find your inner peace and resolution with yourself...our thoughts are with you...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

for some of you who have not seen my personal pics of the "fort kent crew" as i've donned them, here's a little pic of some of my closest friends i've made since being up here in the middle of nowhere....just so you can rest assured, that your little lovely is in good hands!
in case you were worried!

Dear the Britney of yore,

first of all, how are you? how are you feeling? have you purchased any new underwear lately? just kidding. i'm writing to you dear britney and speaking on behalf of my people in a collaborative people, being of course "the gays".

you see the thing is miss b, we're a little concerned. we understand that you've been going through a really rough time lately, and we just wanted to be that collective hand that reaches out to you in your time of need and reassures you that everything little thing's gonna be alright!

we're behind you brit-brit, and always have been.

after the birth of your second son, things got a little bad for you...the temporary insanity of your marriage to k-fed aside, there was the incident of almost dropping sean preston in new york...the seemingly endless nakkid-crotch pictures...and the short-lived friendship with paris...

all in all, the media have not been very kind to you lately...but we're here to tell you that you've still got a friend in us! we're eagerly anticipating your longly awaited "2007 REVIVAL" album...and as they say; the world is waiting with breath that is baited...or something like that...

now don't disappoint us!

stay strong dear britney...we're always behind with you, and by your side...take care of those sons of yours, think "fantastic dance album", and stay the fuck away from "federline" types...

love always,

the gays.

Hobo With a Shotgun

is that cadence i see??? loves it

i started off this year with thoughts of myself...and lately those thoughts have become solidified.

2006, as i've said many many times, was the official year of "drama". and i'm so over it. drama in relationships, drama at work, drama with friends...and above all drama with my inner self.

now without sounding like an after-school-special, i just wanted to write and say how much fun i'm having with MYSELF lately.

my friend sarah called this time "healing time", and you know what? i can't help but agree with her.

I'm totally digging being single...and the more i think about it, the more i realize that i just don't want all that 'boyfriend shit' right now...i don't want to have that pit in the bottom of my stomach all the time, and i don't want to have that worrysome feeling all the time; where is he? does he like me? what's he thinking?

fuck THAT!

right now, i'm having a good time being with myself, with the puppies, and with my friends...

boys need not apply right now...until i'm ready...

unless your brad pitt, of course...but that goes without saying!
do you love it?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


a wise woman once said, 'dessert is the whole point of the meal'. an even wiser woman once said 'let them eat cake'...and even though the latter 'lost her head', both ladies had a point.

i have always found myself a part of the 'salty' loving group, opting out of a delectable creamy chocolatey dessert in favor of something salty, crunchy and flavorful. but lately, (i blame the absence of nicotene) i have found myself craving sweets more and more.

no one can deny the allure of ice cream, chocolate, cream puffs, cheesecake, or even simply cookies...but there has always been something about SALTS that teases and tempts my palate, until i inevitably give-in to the temptation and indulge in the crunchy goodness.

what divides the two groups? are there those out there in food land who enjoy both salty and sweets the same? or does everyone fall into one or the other category? does it have something to do with how we were brought up? or is it simply a personal preference?

salty or sweet...what do you desire?

Monday, February 05, 2007


if you have never read this book, i command you to stop what your doing right now (at least after you finish reading this entry...and maybe after the poems that appear after this one...) and go out and purchase it right away!

it's an amazing little story of the relationship between a boy and a tree, and of just how we never really appreciate or know what we have until it's all gone. the little boy took and took from the tree to benefit his own needs, until the tree had nothing left to give him. and it wasn't until the boy was too old to do anything about it, that he finally realized how much he had taken his tree for granted.

it's an amazing tale that really (no matter how old you are) will touch your soul, and force you to think about how materialistic we can be.

there are important things in life, and there are things we can truly live without...never lose sight of the things that matter most, because it's easy to allow ourselves to become allured into always wanting more.

These poems are not by me, but i just love them and had to share them with ya'll:

Lemonade Sun

We pour
its liquid sweetness
from a tall
glass pitcher,
on frosty squares of ice,
lemon light
and slighty tart,
we gulp its gold-
licking our lips
with summer.


Sliver of moon
Slice of star
Rhinestone in
a jelly jar.
Twinkling treasure
From sky;

Rebecca Kai Dotlich

Sunday, February 04, 2007

dear bitches...i mean fellow readers,

it's nice to hear from all of you, i hope things are going well for ya'll out there in computer land...things have been going very well for yours truly as well! time is flying, and all of us in fort kent are managin' quite well, and we're all getting along just swimmingly!

i got to go on a trip to fredericton last weekend, where we crashed university of new brunswick's winter formal, got dressed up and got shit faced, danced all night, and hit up my new obsession: "boom" a gay club in freddy...can you say EXXXCITED?!?! made out with a bartender, got a phone number...just another night, eh??

this weekend we drove up to quebec city for their winter carnivale; ice sculptures, street dance parties, and bonhomme carnavale (google him, if you have never heard of it, amazing!!) we drank a little in old quebec, had a lovely parisian style dinner downtown, and then came back to the fort...all in a day's work!! soooo happy i went!!

what i can't get enough lately:

1. my new iPod nano

2. william sledd (my new internet boyfriend; )

3. facebook (look for joey keefe if i'm not already on your list)

4. my space ( )

5. my beautiful beautiful uggs ( my savior during the fuckin' frigid winter fort kent nights!)

6. my other internet boyfriend; who i've coined "ghetto gay" for the time being!

7. "we don't have to take our clothes off..." by jermaine something or ether...can't remember his last name...but just think bad bad 80's songs and you'll remember it!

8. "little miss sunshine"; amazing amazing amazing flick