Tuesday, May 31, 2005

private school

i heard on the radio the other day that i think it was 85% of people who attend private (all one sex) schools, graduate with a more comprehensive understanding of study tactics, and are better equipt with the necessary skills needed to enter into the work force.

now i've always been somewhat opposed to private schools; not only do they seem over-hyped and yuppy, but in this day and age they're almost obsolete, aren't they??? i mean let's examine the mere concept, shall we: all boys/ all girls schools take something out of the socialization process in an attempt to better the education/concentration levels of their students. and that something is boy-girl interaction.

so kids grow up in a same sex environment, in class, in gym, at lunch, etc etc...and when they graduate from highschool/middle school after being exposed to only same sex kids for basically their whole life...they have what? positive views on the opposite sex?? i doubt it! they're going to graduate as salivating youths, with only one thing on their mind, and only one thing they wanna do!!

in my opinion, a young teenage boy who's only known and socialized with other boys his age, will grow up objectifing women, and treating them as such. that or they'll end up gay!!!

now obviously, being who i am i don't have any problems with the latter, but the former is a tad bit more controversial! it floors me that people still enroll their children in private schools where they're only exposed to other children of the same sex for the entire education process. how can they really be developing if they've never even shared a class with someone of the opposite sex??

and consider the way they'll be acting when first put in a co-ed situation, such as university classes or something; the boys will be so over-run by teenage hormones they'll barely be able to keep it in their pants, and the girls will be walking around town with their skirts over their heads!!! not only will the risk of un-safe sex be ten times higher, but the level of self-respect that these kids hold for eachother (not to mention themselves) will be at an all-time low...sex will be the only thing on their mind. and i bet you the date rape rates among these kids are higher than the norm too. do you know what i mean? basically if you grow up only seeing women or men in magazines, and in a sexual manner instead of viewing them in a plutonic manner, you're societal views towards the opposite sex will be completely out of whack.

now compare this to the situation of co-ed schools; boys and girls grow up TOGETHER, experiencing things and learning them TOGETHER. boys will actually grow up with girls as FRIENDS, and view them as such, and not merely as sexual objects. their relationships with the opposite sex will also potentially be stronger and more advanced, seeing as how they've been around them all their lives!! and the idea of increasing their scholastic success by diminishing the outside distractions may actually backfire, due to all the pent up sexual frustration that they feel (ie blue balls) due to the lacking presence of females/males in their lives that is keeping them and preventing them from concentrating on their studies!

all in all parents should be able to decide what they think is right for their kids education, and what environment would be most suitable for their success...but i just hope they plan ahead a little...

i mean if you were a parent, where would you want your kid to go??

Thursday, May 26, 2005

the skinny

so as i picked up the latest US magazine this morning, i was struck with a feeling of slight dismay as i saw my (should-have-been) best friend, lindsay lohan, looking even more waifish than usual on the cover.

now as much as i shouldn't be phased when i see the sudden ramifications that hollywood can have on the health/appearance of it's younger members, seeing as how i see it every week, i was particularly taken aback when i saw lindsay-crack-whore-lohan gracing the cover of not one but TWO trashy magazines this week, both sporting headlines like "EXTREME DIETING" and "WHY SO THIN??"...US also featured Lohan's pal Nicole Richie, who has gone from pleasantly curvy while starring in 'the simple life 1&2' to now looking frail and unhealthy...

so when someone my size starts calling girls in hollywood "waif-like", you know there's something wrong...now, don't get me wrong, i love my body and those who know me know that my petite-ness cannot be attributed to under-eating...(i tend to eat like a cow) i enjoy blaming genetics for my heroin-chic look, where as the girls in hollywood have nothing to blame but the heroin itself. but COME ONE...lindsay, you look DISGUSTING!!! if you can count your ribs through your back, there's a problem. i wish i could post a picture of her on this blog so you could get the whole effect, but instead the next time you're in the super market glance over the magazines in the check-out line and you'll see little 'miss heroin chic' herself. and she has the gaul to say (and i quote) "compared to other actresses my age, i'm actually overweight. there are so many really, really thing girls out there..." i'm sorry; OVERWEIGHT?!? how coked out were you when you were caught saying that, lindsay??? come on, have some respect for yourself sweety!

we all know that hollywood deals in the business of being thin, there's always a pressure to be the perfect size 2, and look your best...blah, blah, blah...but when is enough, enough? the problem is that these young girls (case in point with lindsay) are entering into this business full-on, head first, with no safety net...and they're getting swallowed whole!! it sucks them in, and spits them out a shadow of their former-selves. we've seen it happen time and time again with child stars, HELLO paging drew barrymore!!!! where's cory haim right now? or cory feldman? or that kid from the terminator movies?? where's macauley caulkin today??? the ones who aren't strong enough to resist the temptations of hollywood or to remain true to themselves and not fall prey to it's pressures will end up in betty ford, puffing away on menthol's, eagerly awaiting their next hit of morphine.

is thin still in?? haven't we come far enough in the 21st century to overcome these absurd notions of the way the media thinks we 'should' look? and is it all worth it? we're damaging our bodies trying to attain a certain state...and for what? for whom? if it was for our own personal satisfaction, that's one thing...but if we're slaving away on tread-mills trying to lose just another five pounds because anna nicole and the people at trimspa told us to...that's just wrong!! so how are we going to get away from this way of thinking?? will we ever stop striving for perfection, or atleast the medias perception of what 'perfect' is/should be?? and when will "beautiful" not be that strung-out, dark eyes, sunken features look? and how this is too thin??

the answer is virtually unatainable! because beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, and always has been. the unfortunate thing for miss lindsay is that the younger you are, the more vulnerable you are to the influences that your surroundings have to offer...such as cigarettes and drugs (both apetite supressors). and i have it on good authority (remember that kate found lindsay's wallet in new york stuffed with 2 grammes of cola inside) so i know that she's not just 'eating better' and 'working with a trainer' or any bullshit like that...that girls falling prey to the same pressure to be thin that karen carpenter felt just before she became anorexic. and she's on her way to crack-whore-dome...well maybe not so seriously...but you have to see the picture of her, and then you'll understand.

in life you have to be content with the way you look, and it's easy to look at the latest issue of marie claire with gwen on the cover, and long to look like her...is that ok? in some ways. should we resort to drastic measures to attain that look? absolutely not. it's easy for the people in hollywood to feel pressured to be thin, and it's also easy for us to think we NEED to be thin to fit-in....but it's simply not true...we have to be content with ourselves first, and the rest will follow...

now lindsay, if you're reading this, keep in mind that i'm still a HUGE fan...i'm just worried...i know what it's like to feel the pressure to be thin and beautiful...that's why my mom warned me to stop doing crystal and binging after every meal...

i'm totally kidding, by the way...it was my dad, not my mom...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

i throw my toys around

have you ever asked your parents if you've ever actually really matured from the time you were a child, till now?? like, in our our eyes we hopefully see ourselves as a tad bit more mature, intelligent, boisterous, industrious and plain old 'smarter' than we were when we were younger...but i can't help but wonder; are we really??

how many of those childhood characteristics do we still harbour? and if given the chance to come out (and play) would we allow them to? do we ever really give up the bad habits (whining, complaining to get what we want) that childhood has bestowed upon us? and if some of them still linger, when do we finally bid them farewell?

now i'm not talking about the peter pan complex of not wanting to grow up or anything like that, but the more subtle traits...for example; throwing temper tantrums, whining, throwing things. but not just bad habits, what about the not so shitty ones like security blankets; if not the literal ones, what about a toy that we've hung on to over the years and clutch under the covers at night when we're scared? i'm sure we've all got some sort of surrogate blanket, am i right? what about cartoons?? what once were a childhood source of amusement, with age have gathered some sort of cult following and taken on a deeper more psychadelic significance...you know what i mean...

now it's redundant to even think that we haven't made any progress since we were kids, but it's interesting to consider what traits have hung around all these years! do we all have a little child inside of us who knows what tricks to pull to get their own way?? are we just kids in adult bodies, or has the personality and the mentality that lurks inside us grown up aswell??

personally i know that i still encompass many of the traits that i posessed as a child; for instance, i still throw my toys around, i still whine (ocassionally), and i enjoy getting my own way...HOWEVER, i also know the difference between right and wrong, and i can now take into account other people feelings when making decisions...two things that most children do not posess until they get older!

but (and i use work as an example, cause i know we've all seen the crazy tards who come into our offices on a day to day basis acting like children) there are people who publically act like children to get what they want, even as elder adults!! what is it that makes some people think that acting like babies will allow them to get what they want, even as full-grown adults?!? it's ludacris, really!! but when you think about it, these people really haven't changed that much since they were kids...and chances are the way they treat you (a complete stranger) is probably a good indication of how they act at home (and towards the people/family in their life) and probably an even better indication of how THEIR kids act, and their kids after that... and so on and so on!

but you can't change people, the best you can do is try and shrug it off and be happy you've grown in the manners that you have.

and the next time you speak/see your parentals, ask them! did you turn out the way they had hoped?? have you learned from the mistakes you made as a child? and how many of the charactersitics adopted from birth, do you be-grudgingly still posess? cause let's face it, no one's been around as long as your parents have, right?

i know my parents are proud...they are, really...no, seriously...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

the other side of importance

so amid all the star wars hooplah, something else of equal importance, debuted last night...am i the only one who saw it? really?? "britney and kevin: chaotic" premiered last night...and it was fantastic!! seriously! i loved every second of it, and can't wait till next week!

basically the premise behind it, is that the show (hour long feature, might i add) is a collection of their home movies, detailing their (short, but spicy) courtship! what's intresting to watch though, is that this is britney when the camera's aren't rolling! it's her (and him) at their most natural and unguarded! obviously there's A camera rolling (or else we wouldn't be able to watch anything...dur!!) but most of the time it's britney's little hand-held camcorder, just going around and documenting some of her "onyx tour", and basically just her and kevin goofing around!

now for those who don't gobble up every issue of US weekly, this may seem like something less than entertaining, but i really must say, from a completely unbiased point of view that the shows got merit!

far from it's "newlyweds" counterpart-twits nick and jessica, britney and kevin are the raunchier pair...filming eachother in the shower, talking outright about how many times a day they have sex, even discussing britney's own favourite sexual position (shhh, i'll never tell). she's uninhibited, smokes on camera, and isn't afraid to look a little sloppy...in layman's terms; SHE'S NORMAL!!! it's encouraging to see this side of a celebrity who (some/most) of the time (tries to) look(s) glamorous!!

there is an on-going interview with britney throughout the show, which acts as a balance between the home-shot videos that dictate the rest of the show, making it viewable and not nausea-causing a la blair witch! i must admit when the show first started, i was thinking to myself; man, she's a retard!!! but then i clued in to the fact that she's acting exactly like i do when i'm with my friends...she's silly, goofy, and totally off-the-wall!!

now i know that we've all had our beef(s) with miss spears...she's dissapointed me time and time again, but then surprised me and won me back! her and i's love will never falter, and i'm even thinking of putting her picture back on my phone...but anywho; she's just a girl, trying to live a life in the public eye, building herself a lil' ol' southern style family (she's got quite the twang to her voice) no matter what the cost! we read about her crazy antics weekly (can't help but pay attention), and we build impressions and judgements on these glamorous people...most of them incorrect due to misleadings on behalf of star magazine...so we owe them (the celebs)the courtesy of making it up to us...and they do so by starring in their very own reality shows to set the record straight!!

so don't worry britney, you can make it up to me for as long as you want...and i promise, from the bottom of my heart, that i won't judge your skeezy-good for nothing-gold-digger-smelly-bum of a husband...anymore...

hmm, i feel better!

tell bit-bit i say 'hello'!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

meet the parent

well kiddos, something verrrrrrry different (but colosally cool) happened last night...a certain someone met the maker, well my maker that is...and when i say a certain someone, i'm referring to blake meeting my parent. the mother, the lady who brung me into this world those 24 years ago, who spat me forth from in between her legs (eww), who raised me, who nurtured me, who cradled me in her arms, and who first introduced me to pot...seriously...

it all went down at the fireside, (a neutral location) where the three parties were having drinks (martinis), he had a banana split, she had a black russian, and i had a chocolate monk...it was good...

it all went out with a bang...the conversation flowed like crystale champagne out of a flute at p. diddy's crib...they laughed, she cried (just a tear), and then they walked home...

i couldn't have imagined in a million years that it could have ever happened like that...i wish i wasn't the only witness...to such a lovely rendez-vous...a meeting of the minds, shall we say...where he met my maker...

so keep your eyes peeled for a happy mother, lurking around the city...she's out there, be warned...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


if you could be in a specific genre of movie, which type would you choose? or have you ever thought about what category of film your life would fit into, simply based on it's day to day events? or if your life were it's own reality tv series, would it be a hit, or a miss??

personally if i could choose i'd definitely choose to play in a scary movie...preferably a victim...i've been a fan of horror movies and suspense thrillers since i first started watching movies. i think it all stems from the fact that i've always been fascinated by what frightens people. (and that sounds somewhat dark, but i mean it in the lightest of ways). fear is intriguing, and being able to play on those fears is sexxy!!

i think being in a scary movie would be so much fun; running for your life and screaming and acting like you're in peril, all the while being chased from a fictional killer!!! too exciting!!

i'd get to have my own death scene!!! eeeeek! just having all that adrenaline built up inside of yourself, would be all consuming! don't worry paris, i'd totally make you proud...hey stop chuckling, her death scene was killer (no pun intended) in house of wax...she got a spear chucked through her skull!!! rawk on, dude!!!!

if my life was a movie, i'd have to say it would probably be a cross between an erotic thriller...hot...and a dark comedy...and that's not just wishful thinking either my friends!! tee hee!

have you ever considered the idea that your life is actually being televised 24/7 on some public broadcasting television network??? and that the 'strangers' you meet on the street at random may actually be actors hired to confront you in new and exciting ways??? and that those crazy customers you serve on a day to day basis, are actors hired specifically to get a rise out of you? and that there's audiences out there who tune in every week to see what KrAzY things you get yourself into this time???

ever see "edtv"? or "trueman show"? or like on candid camera...only with no discovery of the hidden camera at the end of the 'prank'!!!

if you could have a hidden camera in someone's house...anybody's house in the world...in who's would you put it??? intriguing thought isn't it? i've spoken about voyeurism, and society's fascination with it before...ie reality tv..etc etc, but i believe this last notion has brought it to a whole new level...can you say "stalking"???

personally i know exactly in whose house i'd put my hidden camera...

i'll give you a hint...

she has a dog...

Monday, May 16, 2005


well that seems to be the magic word today, to describe everything in my wee lil' world right now!!
allow me to elaborate:

the birthday was a smash...
i was also smashed on friday night...
i then woke up to be smashed (mentally) on saturday...physically too, seeing as how my resistance to the germs floating around in my vacinity has failed me...
i then resumed my "smashed" state on sunday, and i'm guessing the mimosa i had with eilish at lunch didn't help...nor did the coffee, and red bull i then poured on top of the gumbo in my stomach...
and finally today i physically had to rest in bed longer than my schedule should have allowed...no more, let's put it that way!! tomorrow it's the early bird that gets the worm...

so my poor wee brain is feeling more smooshed, than smashed today...and i refuse to pump myself full of those shitty over-the-counter cold meds...instead i decided to throw some moola away on good ol' echinacea (eeek, as my father used to call it) and advil...

can i take some more yet??

and did i mention it's harley's birthday today?? my first born's turning 2 today!!! wow, how time flies, eh? so i bought him some chewy snacks and a fun little wobbly toy! i hope he likes it!! i may put a candel in some of his dog food tonight and blow it out for him!! we'll see how it goes...

okay, i'm tired now...wish me luck that i feel mucho better by tomorrow...

i need a hug...

Friday, May 13, 2005

24 candles

well 24 is off to a running start (*knock on wood*) seeing as how it's friday the 13th...the puppies made no mess during the night, i managed to catch my bus (almost missed it, had to run a red light, but i made it), it's sunny outside, and i just received a lovely quaint little birthday message from the man i love...so i'm doing good! (*knock on wood*) no need to tempt the fates!!

last night was the celebration with the parentals; we were gonna class it up and hit "il mercato"...but then i decided i'd like to do a movie...which movie you ask? well since no one (absolutely no one) would come and see "house of wax" with me, i decided to con my wee mother into coming with me!! so instead of il mercato we ate at jack aster's and then saw the early show of 'house of wax' and then went back to their house for birthday cake!!!!

now on to the important details: paris' performance!!!! well let me just begin by saying this; we all know how much i loooooove my sweet long lost sister Paris. so get this, guess what her boyfriend's name was in the movie????? BLAKE!!!! isn't that just fuckin' funny???!!! so besides the life like resemblances between her life and mine...pause for comic effect...i was very impressed by her performance. she had probably one of the best death scenes (see paris die) although she's not a very good screamer. more like a screecher!! AND she gets to die wearing red lingerie...lucky her! fortunately for us, we don't get to see her get turned into wax...unlike some of the other characters...it's less than appetizing let's just leave it at that!!

so her career and my birthday are off to a flying start!! 24 candles will appear on my birthday cake tonight, after a lovely dinner with my honey, followed by a night of martinis and red bull...

wish me luck, and a happy birthday!!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

birthday suit

birthday's have always struck me as intriguing...well maybe it's the way some people view their birthday's that i find so interesting. take me for instance; i've always loved birthday's!! absolutely adored them!! why it's the one day of the year that you can be totally and one hundred percent selfish/vain/and all around self-obsessed!! and there ain't anybody on this planet who can say anything!!

now at the risk of sounding like a narcissist, let me just say that i don't exactly agree with the idea of showing off just because it's your birthday, but there's nothing wrong with expecting a little love and affection and gifts *ahem* on that special day!! cause let's face it, there's no other day in the year that celebrates JUST you!! and it's not like christmas when you feel a little guilty looking forward to all the presents, cause 'we're just adding to the commercialism aspect of the holiday'...birthday's are a celebration of little ol' you!!! so shut up and enjoy it!!

now i know everyone has an age where they'd rather stay...you know that whole peter pan complex about never wanting to grow up...but let's face it, it's inevitable!! why fight it?? and most of all, why fight the party aspect of it?? some people are like "i don't want a party...", "it's no big deal..." blah, blah, blah...if you can't fight it, you might aswell embrace it, right?? what's the B.F.D??? you're getting older, and you can't fight that, so you might aswell enjoy the party, huh??

so that's the frame of mind i've always adopted!! it's my day, and i'll be vain if i want to!!! just kidding! my point is that birthday's are a time of celebration, and should be enjoyed to the fullest...even if it does mean we're getting older!

seriously though, there's even places you can go that'll give you something for free on your birthday!! like free dessert, or free cover! so the freebies alone are enough reason to enjoy your birthdays! throw in the constant attention, and the gifts, and you have the recipe for a honkin' tonkin' good time!!

so on the eve before my birthday i bid all the other taureans out there a happy one, and i hope that all their birthday wishes come true...especially the sexxxy ones...

Monday, May 09, 2005

close your eyes

a VERY, VERY, VERY big week is under way kiddies!! can you guess why???? let me give you a hint; a certain someone is turning a certain something, on a certain day...

any takers?? NO????? come on, this is an easy one!!!

it's my birthday on the 13th, sillys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
friday the 13th, at that!! something funny happened yesterday, actually; well not funny per se, but it depends on the way you look at it! so when i woke up yesterday, i realized that my mirror (the little hand one i use to see the back of my head with) had fallen off the dresser and broken. so at the superstitious thought of having 7 years bad luck, i convinced myself that since it 'fell' throughout the night whilst i slept, that it had nothing to do with me and my personal luck! THEN, as i was balancing yesterday morning, i came to the sudden realization that my birthday is on friday the 13th this year!?! it hasn't been on a friday since i was (ironically enough) 13!! so again, with the bad luck...AND THEN, one of my customers yesterday's total came to $666.25!!!!!! eErIe, eh????? but then again, i was born on the 13th of the month, so it can't be that bad, right?? actually it's always been my LUCKY number, ever since i can remember!

but the fact that all these things happened on a monday morning, was just the icing on the cake!

so regardless of the bad luck yesterday, friday is still my birthday, and i couldn't be more excited!! the big 2-4...maybe i should drink beer that night...hmmm, i was thinking of having it be a complete trash night...like drink colt 45's, and wear trashy clothing...what do you think?? actually 24 sounds kinda cool, doesn't it? even though it's a year closer to my scary age...(25). ahhh, growing up...we're supposed to be getting wiser with age, aren't we?? tee hee!

in other news, yours truly will be participating in a little bit of hypnotism this morning, in t-minus 75 minutes...and i coulnd't be more nervous!!! i don't really know why, i guess it's more anxiousness, or would that be anxiety...whatever! i googled 'hypnotherapy' yesterday, just to see what i was getting myself into, and get this; the doctor isn't exactly going to hypnotize me to become a non-smoker, rather he's going to hypnotize (man that's a hard word to type) me to THINK like a non-smoker! so that when the option arises to choose to smoke or not, i'll be ABLE to CHOOSE NOT TO have a cigarette!! just like the way a non-smoker chooses NOT to have one! isn't that crazy??

i doubt there's going to be any "you're getting sleepy..." and "when you hear a wind chime you'll cluck like a chicken..." or anything like that. and supposedly it only takes like 15 minutes...15 friggin' minutes and i could be a non-smoker???? what's up with that? where has it been??

so needless to say, i, aswell as all my friends who are sick of being smoked out, are excited to have me be done with that nasty habit...so is my debit card...

so wish me luck, cross your fingers, god(s) speed, and do 'er up!!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

a tale of a VERY, VERY big city

well kiddies, i have returned. i apologize to all my loyal readers for not checking in sooner, but for those of you who did not know, yours truly was on a MUCH needed vacation!!!

where to, you ask? well me and melissa hit the big apple, and hit it hard! yes, new york, new york was our destination of choice...and let me just say it was a good one!!

lincoln center, empire state building, chrysler building, central park, madison square garden, madison avenue, china town, little italy, union square, 5th avenue, park avenue, the plaza hotel, the sex and the city tour, times square, the west village, soho, noho, (and yes it is a real place) tribeca...WE SAW IT ALL, LADIES AND GERMS!!!

it was the trip of a lifetime! seriously, new york is like nothing you've ever seen!!! there is such energy, life, pizazz, kick, flair, style, chaos, insanity and sheer craziness emaninating from that city it's not even funny!! there's so much to do on any given day, it's almost hard to decide what TO do, and WHEN to do it!! which is what stinted us sometimes; we got in one mindset, and then we just had to figure out what the best order was to accomplish everything!!

so in the end, we did miss a few things; we didn't get to go on the staten island ferry, which sepposedly gives you a fantastic view of the entire city and of course of lady liberty!! but i already saw her once, so it's all good! and we never did hit any museums, which kinda sucked cause the guggenheim would have been amazing to visit; they have the original 'starry night' from davinci...which i've always been a fan of. we did make it to the doors of 'the met', but they had closed about an hour prior to us arriving...but oh,well...can't win 'em all!!

i'm sure new yorkers can spot tourists a mile away: all they have to do is look for the people with their heads up in the air!! so needless to say, i didn't try to hide it for the first few days we were there!! but you can't help but look-up, your eyes are immediately forced upwards to take in all the amazing feats that lay in front of you and all around you!! that city is so populated that it has no where else to expand, but up!! so buildings just keep getting built higher and higher! and believe you me, we had a birds eye view of a few of them; namely the empire state building, where all three of us experienced a bit of ol' vertigo, followed by three mild panic attacks, and a much needed cigarette atop the 85th floor!! yes kiddies, 85 floors up, high above the rest and atop the clouds is where we stood!! unfortunately we decided to save this trip till the evening, so our pictures didn't turn out very well, but you can imagine the view.

i must say that that city sucks you in and immediately forces you into a certain frame of mind. it's obviously not for everybody, but you can't say that there's not at least SOMETHING in it for everyone!

the first thing everyone has been asking me about my trip, is if i got the chance to catch any broadway shows while we were there, and unfortunately we didn't. but when there's that much to do in any given day, we didn't feel like we missed out on much! besides the tickets were like a hundred bucks for standing room only, so we didn't want to take a chance on having some tall dude standing right in front of us!!

for the clubbers out there, dig this: we got on the list for this elite club called "duvet". and for all you sex and the city fans out there, just try to remember a certain bar the girls visited called "bed", and you'll get the idea. actually, it IS the club from the show, just by a different name. so you walk in and everything's completely white, and beyond posh looking. but the main attraction is that there are these beautiful beds EVERYWHERE!! and i'm not talking like sketchy dirty stained beds either, they were like 100% cotton, beautiful white beds. so you step in and basically kick off your shoes and dance all over these beds! it's fuckin' crazy. they have like satin pillows, and these beautiful trays for you to rest your drinks in so they don't spill all over the place. then you go downstairs to use the bathrooms, and first of all they're all unisex in new york...gender is becoming more and more obsolete, i tell ya! so the boys are ushered over to one side to pee in these trophe-like things, with a waterfall that basically washes it all away. but the scary thing is that when you turn around the wall that separates you from the rest of the bathroom (which you thought was just a mirror) turns out to be a two-sided mirror!! so you can see out, but the rest of the bathroom can't see in!! talk about major stage-fright!! and the toilets are the same way!! you can see out, but they can't see in! so you think that everyone can see you pee!! so you see all these drunk people coming right up to the door (thinking it's just a mirror) and like checking their teeth, and fixing their hair and shit!! fuck it's funny!!

they even give away free slippers at this place with 'duvet' printed on them, so needless to say kate snagged melissa and i a pair to comemorate our trip!!

fuck i could go on and on forever about new york, but honestly words don't do it a lick of justice! you really have to experience it for yourself!

so in closing, let me just say, that it's definitely not for everyone; what with the noise, the constant commotion, the garbage and the public urination...but if you look at it from another view; that being that it's the land of the free, that there's so much diversity and culture there, and that the energy is all-consuming and reason enough to visit...then you're guaranteed to have a fantastic time! and well if you have your own private tour guide (like we did with our beloved kate) well then you've got it made!

new york...there's truly no place like it!

i heart n.y.