Friday, October 21, 2005


so these are the contacts that i've ordered for my halloween costume!! i'm totally psyched about them. and while halloween is costing me an arm and a leg (between my costume and the puppy's; harley's going as a pig, and jet's going to be a bumble bee) it's always worth it!!

why just look at my recent blog entries! if dedicating a whole months worth of entries to october 31st doesn't indicate how much i'm in love with halloween...then i don't know what would?!?

last year i had purchased the "white-out" contacts, for my vampire costume. they fuckin' rocked! basically they block out any color in your eye, only exposing the pupil. the rest is totally white. i couldn't even look some people in the eye, cause they were too frightened.

so this year, still on the creepy contact lens kick, i saw these "angelic" ones and totally fell in love with them! apparently they're going to make them almost glow a fluorescent blue-like an angel's!

now i don't want to ruin the surprise, but i'm thinking of dressing completely in white. white pants, white shirt, white tie, white wings, and then have the blue contacts just punch you right in the face!!

i can't wait. dressing up is half the fun on halloween. it's the one night of the year where you can act completely and totally retarded, and look as creepy and as kooky as you want...and nobody can say anything about it! it's even encouraged to be freaky!

i think we all go through that stage when dressing up isn't "cool" anymore, but as we get older, and when liquor gets involved, costumes on halloween turn into a whole new level of fun! we begin to explore the possibilities and indulge them. you can dress up as your deepest darkest fantasy, or you could be something completely opposite from who you are...the options are endless! even the most tabboo of costumes are accepted; i once saw a guy at a rave go as someone's sex slave...i'm talking g-string, hand cuffs, dog collar (complete with chain) around his neck, bare feet (at the electropolis-yuck!) black eye make-up and lipstick writing all over his body!!

so if that guy can get away with it, what are you waiting for?

use your imagination...

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