Friday, April 06, 2007


i meant to blog about this a long long time ago, but better late than never i always say! now i know some of my dear precious readers look at company's like the gap and scoff; whether it be for not wanting to support pretentious sweat-shop company's or simply because their style doesn't appeal to them. but i'm here to tell you that one of those 'some-what' pretentious-not-for-everyone companies has taken on a new initiative that is one we all need to be supporting.

gap has a new line of clothing and accessories (called gap red, in case you haven't caught on yet) that's contributing a large portion of the sales to help fight aids in africa.

here's the blurb:

Gap (PRODUCT) REDTM is about great products that can help make a difference for Africa. As a global partner of (PRODUCT) RED, we’re contributing half the profits from Gap (PRODUCT) RED sales to the Global Fund to help women and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa.

a little fyi for ya: did you know that 70% of people infected with the hiv virus live in sub-Saharan Africa?

there's a whole lot more all of the world could be doing to help put a stop to this global crisis (that's a little more close to home than most of us would believe) but i applaud companies like the gap who have stepped up to the plate and started an organization such as it's red line.

products range from t's, hoodies, belts, sweaters, and other accessories. so next time you stop on in to the gap, check em out! and help researchers in their quest for the cure.


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