(a little late, i know but better now than never!!) British boys, London, Brighton, Camden, Notting Hill, SOHO, gay clubs, the return of Electro, checkered prints, "footie", star tattoos, pooches flying overseas to be reunited with their fathers, living off your overdraft, finding out bad things from someone you really like, red red wine, British boys, mixmag, lady gaga, ava leigh, rihanna's "disturbia", alphabeat, "pjanoo", pete tong, carl cox, tiesto, hed kandi, katie price and peter andre, summer beach reads, having rocks on the beach instead of sand, summer "halifax" flatmates, blogs being revisited, blondes, male g-spot stimulators, getting ready to teach Year 2, "gok's fashion fix", High street styles, classic style aviators, beach bum styles, contrasting color pairings, Primark, TOPMAN, British boys, "the noble vine", late-night drinks, heart 2 heart chats with roomies at 6 am, Urban Outfitters, cider, the "sex and the city" movie, "zombie strippers", bright colored ties, "twilight" book series, "angel uncovered" by katie price, trash, dirrty behaviors, making out with boys in converted churches, sight-seeing, long-distance phone calls, mobiles, "sidekick", night-buses, queing up, "heaven", roller disco, plentyoffish.com, chatting with old flames from your past who should have stayed in your past but instead end up calling you fucked up and asking you to marry them, un petit pillule et demi, pureness, lynx body wash, ordering things online when you can't find them at your local, the x factor, big brother UK, "friends" reruns on 24/7, dreaming of new tattoos until you can actually afford them, andy warhol originals, seeing live music, dj's, loving your lives, carousels, piers, fake and baking, shopping till you drop, doritos, veganism, bettering yourself and making good decisions, being YOU!