Sunday, August 17, 2008


what are the relationship deal-breakers in your eyes?

imagine the last thing you'd want your boyfriend/girlfriend to tell you...what is it? what does it involve? what would you say? and most importantly, could you get past it?

does there exist certain things/actions/circumstances that are a part of your partner's past that if revealed would cause you to look at them differently, and thusly evaluate how much you want to be with them?

i'm sure everyone can think of something that if heard from your bf/gf's lips would have them running for the hills...but now imagine that you've actually heard it...

now react.

what do you do; do you stick around? do you wait it out? do you try and learn more as to better understand why they did what it is they did? or do you simply turn away and hope that the next one that comes along won't have as much baggage with them?

but what if the next one does? what if the next one's is worse??? or horror of horrors yet, what if you then realize that the one you turned away, meant more to you over-all than their bit of "unfortunate news"???????

they say everyone's threshold of pain is different, but what about our emotional threshold? are some of us better equipped to handle with these "deal-breakers", and if so where do they get their strength???

this one needs time to ponder me thinks...but what if in this case time only shadows the issue even more??? hmmm....

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