Saturday, December 20, 2008


well just a little introduction to the newly revamped, much improved, gotta-read-daily,, blog of yours truly!!!!

it has been a while, but alas as sometimes occurs in even the most "together" situations, the one you have come to rely upon gets busy...and begins slacking off on his postings...

as i'm sure you've heard it all before, let's hope that this promise to tune you all in more often, does not fall upon deaf ears!

it's funny when you think about it; writing has always been a true joy of mine...i've always found some sort of solace in putting my thoughts out there...whether on paper, or online...why would i allow something that brings me such peace, slip away like i have??? why do we all allow the things that bring us down, take such precidence over the things that make us happy??

i think there comes a time when we all have to stop and take a look at our priorities, and decide how important we want such negative things to really be in our day-to-day lives...and how much attention we decide to pay to them on a daily basis.

i'm 27 years late (pardon me) longer will i allow that which makes me happy fall to the wayside...and i urge you all to do the same!

if somethings important enough that it brings you up when you're down, then you not only need to indulge in need to fuckin' BATHE in it!!!!


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