Monday, April 11, 2005

christina 4 eva

a week brews with much excitement, but shadowed by unexpected melancholy, hinted with a feeling of lament, and the memories of a lifetime of adventures.

the end of an era, which began at a highschool dance with me bolting out of the crowd like a dublin whore from a church, (fueled by half a pint of captain morgan's dark) which flowered into a love like no other, and the greatest friendship anybody could ever fathom.

she's someone from whom i find it difficult to remember the time before, who has graced our lives with a warm touch, and seen us through more trials and tribulations than any companion should.

her name is christina, and there will never be anyone else like her...

passing time brings with it new experiences, and new options to move forward. and it just so happens, that her new experience is awaiting her somewhere else. i remember growing up, and wondering if EVERYONE eventually moved away from their place of origin? when you hit a certain age, you begin to wonder what else is out there...and to consider what life would be like somewhere else...leaving 'home' is such a frightening concept, because we put such importance into this idea of what 'home' means to us. but it's like i told her; (and forgive the ick factor in this cliche) but home really is where the heart is!! we have all made halifax our 'home', but who's to say that we wouldn't be just as happy (in the right circumstances) over yonder?? the reason i know that she'll make it, is because she gave away her heart a long time ago, and now it's time for her to build a new home around it...

leaving is never easy, no matter what the case. and in miss chrissy''s probably going to be traumatic. we selfishly almost wish that she hadn't been such a good person, and such a dear that saying 'goodbye' wouldn't be so hard. but in the end it's just geography that will separate her from the dear ones she's left behind. we're all still going to be in the same world, even though sometimes it may seem that we're many worlds apart...

you know when you've found that special someone who'll be forever in your's like they become a part of your soul, your being, and you know that nothing can change the way you feel towards them. no matter how far away you are, or how long it's been since you've's the one thing in life where time really has no place, and that's in a friendship...

memories are our best source of the past, because no digital camera can illustrate the images we hold in our minds of the times that are dear to us. and i feel so blessed to have the memories of the times that we've all shared as a group. and i can only hope that she takes the good ones aswell as the bad with her...and never forgets...

so farewell to you, not goodbye...know that you will truly always be...but a phone call away, and in my heart...christina 4 eva...

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