Monday, April 18, 2005


ain't it funny how when you're looking forward to a certain night/event for a certain amount of time, and there's so much emphasis built up around it, that when it actually unfolds (even if it's everything you wanted it to be and more) you can't help but feel a little bit of an anti-climax??? and it's a terrible feeling to have, because you shouldn't be feeling sad...and it's not really a sadness but more so a feeling of relief mixed with a bit satisfaction.

that was sunday, so monday was a bit of craziness at work: crazy trainees and bitchy customers!!

so today, being tuesday, i'm going to do something a little controversial; as i'm sure some of you know, yours truly has been suffering with smoking for a few years now. i've tried almost everything from the patch to the gum, and still i feel the urge to light up every now and then.

not nearly as much as everyone else, although that's no way to compare an addiction, cause an addiction is an addiction!! fact of the matter is, is that i want to quit, and i need a little help doing it.

so, today i'm off to see doctor parsons; a general practitioner who also dabbles in hypnotherapy. now for all you skeptics out there, you can all stop giggling; i've known numerous people who've resorted to this to obliterate their bad habit, and they've come out on top!! msi will hopefully pay for it, so what have i got to lose, right?

now today's simply a consultation appointment, to see if i'm a considerable candidate for hypnotherapy. valuable candidate? i know, i was a little perturbed myself. not only have i waited a month just to get in to see him, turns out i'll probably have to wait ANOTHER month just to have the procedure done!! but if there was no consultation involved, then i'd probably doubt the legitimacy of the whole thing!! so now basically i'm going to have to convince him of my dire need to have this done!!

i've never been hypnotised before, besides that one time at the buskers (like a million years ago) when it didn't work...but that's only because i was young and silly and found it hard to even concentrate on what's real in life, let alone what's being propelled upon me by a complete stranger!! besides the guy was a hack!!

i recently saw a movie about a hypnotherapist who becomes involved in a kidnapping investigation with the police, and i just find it intriguing!!! it just seems so awesome that with a slight bit of subliminal encouraging, the brain's addiction to nicotene could be overwrought!!

so anyways, wish me luck! and cross your fingers that i don't come out of it clucking like a chicken every time someone claps their hands!!

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