Friday, October 20, 2006


this is more of an apology to all of my fellow readers for not posting anything lately. (how many of you there are!!) you know i don't normally log-on to simply give ya'll a recap of my day's occurances...but this time we'll just write if off as an exception!! and for those of you who i haven't spoken to on the phone in a while; you can take this as a little summary of the last few weeks!!

school is going by very well these days; i'm EXTREMELY busy!! we don't so much have mid-terms in every class but we do have tests, and assignments, and reflections, and papers, and readings, and books to finish, and i'm sure there are a few more tests/papers thrown in there that i have forgot to mention!! so in other words, i haven't had a lot of time to breath since after thanksgiving!! but all is still good!! and by good i mean that i'm keeping myself busy and out of trouble!!

mind you i still find the time to make a trip to canada to go drinkin' with my girls every friday night! (tonight being no exception!!) and it's a good thing i made the treck last friday, other wise i might not have met a certain someone!! i was going to just write solely about him today, but i dont' want ya'll to heave on your keyboards at my gushings that i'd be sure to regurgitate!! he's lovely, he's fantastic, he's passionate, he's sweet, he's thoughtful, he's level-headed, he's not afraid of who he is, and he likes lil' ol' me!!! and don't forget BEAUTIFUL!!


so that's been going pretty good!! who would of thought that i'd have to go all the way across the country to find happiness!!

everyone here has gotten progressively closer as the months have rolled on. and i can honestly say that i've made some (hopefully) life-long friendships! we're all here for the same reasons, and every day i wake up i always find myself thinking that i'm at summer camp or something! but then i pinch myself and realize that, i'm just home!! this is my home, for now! and it hit me a little while ago just how happy i am here!! it's nice to be faced every day with new experiences, and new faces! let's face it, halifax (not the people in it...or not most of them anyway) had gotten old to me. and some may make fun of me for being all the way in bum fuck nowhere, but to them i turn a blind eye now, and simply shrug it off! i'm happy!

i still miss my beloved's, and to you i say don't worry, december will be here before you know it! i'm looking forward to coming home, and i'm not at the same time. thanksgiving didn't turn out totally the way i had hoped...drama oozes from that city, and i'm so over it. (you know what i'm talking about). being unhappy and worrying too much about things that can't be helped is stupid and unproductive, and i'm done with it. leave those things behind, and keep your eyes on the road ahead.

so i bid you a temporary farewell, and a kiss and a hug until i write to you all again...have a fantastic weekend, blow a kiss to the halifax air, and keep on looks good on you!

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