Sunday, November 19, 2006


last weekend when i was spending money that i don't have in bangor, i came across a camera that mattinc had told me about. it's a pop art camera that takes four different pictures at four different angles, in four different colors (blue, red, yellow and green) at the same time.

how excited am i??? very, people, very.

i've had a love for pop art for many years now; this is a pop art rendition of miss marilyn, to give you all an idea of what i mean. i do believe this one was done by andy warhol, back in the day...

i don't really know what it is about this art style that i love so much, but let's just say that my obsession is growing!! i guess you could say that it's certainly a little off, and a super-stylized depiction of a life through a technicolor lense. it's the contrasts that i enjoy the most i think...

so needless to say i've been taking pictures like crazy lately. and if you move the camera as you're taking a picture, it sepposedly creates a blurred effect in at least one of the four pictures it takes.

hopefully when rite aid gets the technology to put their photos on a disc, i'll be able to post some of them on my blog and give you all a little taste of the artiste i've become!

tee hee...stop smirking.

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