a. sooo the oscars are on tonight, and despite almost being cancelled due to the catastrophic writers strike that had impeded hollywood-land and all it's happenings, the show will go on!!
little lesbian ellen page, who just happens to be a hali-grown native, is up for best actress for her role as a pregnant teen-ster in the fabulously lovable comedy "Juno"...i and the rest of nova scotia are crossing our fingers for you mizz page; clean the floor with those pretentious hollywood bitches!!!
b. saw a fantastic (and free) concert last night; Canadian rockers/blue grass/crooners/country stars "blue rodeo" graced the stage of the metro center last night in halifax: and fuckin' rocked the shit outta the place, might i add! those guys may be pusing 60 but they still know how to put on a bitchin' show! it was the second time i saw them live in my dear ol' city of origin, and like the first time you have sex, were even better the second time around!!
the fabulous and lovely miss laura had been given tickets that her aunt had won over the radio, and decided to invite lil' ol' me along for the ride! something about a free concert, that makes it so much more enjoyable; maybe it's the lack of "pressure to have a good time" when you didn't pay anything to walk through the doors? hmmm...
c. my lover, and future roommate miss carolyn power leaves for the UK tomorrow...and i'm a little upset that i'm (myself and jet, that is) aren't leaving at the same time; for those of you who aren't aware, carol (as i sometimes call her) and i met in the far, faraway land of Fort Kent while studying to become teachers. we fell in love, slept together a few times, and have remained very close friends! (well, it went something like that...) and we are now moving to jolly ol' England together for work and other sorts of debauchery!
as much as i'd love to leave now instead of waiting another month, i know that it's much more feasible for me to be waiting; more time to work and thus save money to move with, and i'll be separated for less time from my dear jet...(who'll be joining me in the UK a few more months!)
d. why is it that when on the bus in halifax (aka the peasant wagon) we willingly give up our seats for fat people...excuse me, "overweight" people???? by allotting them special treatment (such as giving them our seats on the bus) aren't we encouraging them to continue to overeat??? we're basically reassuring them; go ahead and have that double extra carcus burger...don't worry, you may get fat, but at least you'll be treated better and pitied as a reward for your shitty eating habits... the only people who should have seats given up for them are those with small children, and those who suffer from a physical disability...not heffers who can't stop themselves from shoving junk down their throats!
e. i'm so compltely into amy winehouse's music these days, it's crazy!!!! at first i thought she was just kinda scary...but then i gave her music a chance and let me tell you; WOW!! she's fuckin' phenomenal!!!! i urge you all to seek out her music and obsess away!
there's nobody out there in the music industry today who has is doing what she's doing; she truly is a breath of fresh air...a somewhat 'troubled' breath, but a breath nonetheless! she's kinda "big band-ish", with a soulful and loungy feel to her voice...her '60's beehive hairdo is a throwback to the days of yore, that her voice complements perfectly.
favorites of mine include "valerie" featuring mark ronson, "back to black", and "love is a losing game".