Friday, March 27, 2009


i've always been quite intrigued by sex and those who really put it out there...

our society has built somewhat of a stigma around sex, and those who build their life around it...forcing it underground, and out of sight, where the term "seedy" takes over like some sort of excuse.

yet behind closed doors, even the worlds elite are doing it...and worse off, they're probably the ones that get their rocks off in the most "naughtiest" of ways...and subsequently they scoff those who are the most honest about their carnal desires...

doesn't that seem a tad bit hypocritical to anyone else???

i think that's why i have an obsession with porn, and strippers (love you jenna), because this is probably the most honest industry in the whole world, existing with practically nothing to hide, and purely there for our enjoyment...isn't that what sex is all about?

to turn our noses up at the girls who need to "dance" to make a living, yet then go out on saturday night and pick up a random to satisfy that burning desire we possess to not be the saddest thing i could possibly imagine...

who are we to judge?

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