Thursday, July 21, 2005

summer breeze

ahhhh, summer daze...that certainly depicts the mood these days...and god do i love it!!!

there's no better season, is there? the high temperatures, the rooftop patios, the hot sun, the scantily clad people...what's not to love???

the birds have come back to visit, everybody's got a bronzey glow (whether they want it or not!!), the flip-floppy sound of flip flops can be heard for miles around, everybody's showing off their tattoos, and did i mention the scantily clad bodies??

i'm even love with the word...SUMMER!!! doesn't it just bring beautiful images to mind??

i love how everybody's much calmer during summer...hardly a care in the world, everyone just seems to be going about their merry way...except for the people who visit the rmv on any given day...but we're not complaining...besides, it's too nice a day out to argue...

♪go do something fun♪

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