Monday, July 18, 2005

things i love about summer...


1. waking up to the sun shining through my bedroom window.
2. waking up next to the man i love, with the sun shining through my window...
3. wearing flip-flops and sandals, and swearing off socks until the cold weather returns.
4. that first time of the year when you dive into the pool/lake/ocean, and you feel the water rush over your skin.
5. the silky feeling of a cool breeze over your skin on a hot day...that metaphor was blake's, so i can't take complete credit for it's sexiness!
6. the beach; plain and simple. i love the sand, i love the surf, i love the view, i love the people watching. but if i had to pick one particular aspect, i'd have to say the sand is my favourite; there's nothing like feeling sand trickle through your finger tips. i used to hate when my feet would get wet and the sand would stick to i love the grittiness of it all!
7. how the sun stays out so much longer in the summertime, and seems to always be there; it's there when we wake up, and it only sets just before the day ends.
8. going for late evening walks when the air is still warm, with just a tinge of crispness.
9. being able to hang out OUTSIDE in general, and not be cooped up indoors all day and night.
10. getting a tan, and shedding our pale winter skin for a bronze summer glow. (or in my case a sometimes-orangey-beta-karotene-fake-n'-bake-kinda-stain).
11. enjoying a cold beer (mmm corona) on a patio somewhere downtown on a hot sunny day...
12. sunsets and sunrises...can't get any better ones than summer ones...i think it's got something to do with those pink skies!!
13. and last but not least; one of my favourite things about summer is being able to wear as little clothing as possible!! now don't get me wrong, i LOVE clothes but being able to wear minimal restricting clothing and get away with it in public is totally sexy and enthralling!! board shorts, a lil' t-shirt and flip flops is my official summer wardrobe of choice!!

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