Friday, August 26, 2005

what's sexy now?

* tight tops (boys and girls)
* women dressing modestly
* pin stripe suits on men.
* velvet evening jackets
* large tattoos (instead of lots of scattered little ones)
* platinum blondes
* natural soft brunettes
* classic cell phone ring tones
* rock and roll (always)
* martinis
* coronas
* speaking french
* eating healthy
* people who don't know they're sexy
* button-down shirts for men
* natural-looking make-up/no make-up at all
* dark denim
* big sunglasses
* men who carry bags
* holding doors for strangers
* big smiles
* being comfortable in your own skin
* dancing (always sexy)
* skirts that aren't microscopic, but still flirty
* sleeping naked in summer
* sleeping in comfy pajamas in fall
* boys with pocket pooches
* women with dobermans
* having a sense of humor
* enjoying the smaller things
* letting your hair grow
* exercising
* skinny-dippin'
* sleeping in
* iPods
* having smooth skin
* celebs creating scents (a la sarah jessica parker)
* uggs for fall
* house music
* boxing boots
* bubble baths
* black

anything to add?

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