Tuesday, November 01, 2005


i just thought that the photos might need a little explaining:
- the first one's my parents pumpkin, gross out eh?
- this is kheoni; aka medusa for the evening.
- piglet, i mean harley
- melissa in frank's afro...doesn't she look like foxy brown??
- harley (2)
- frank in melissa's wig (tee hee)
- melissa and me (with my scary eyes with a smoky backround...)
- this was on my parents street; they had this giant blow-up RIP sign on their lawn, it was crazy!!
- melissa and me (2)
- my mom dressed (appropriately) as a hippy with harley the pig and jet the bumble bee
- a (obviously done with a stencil) witch pumpkin that i loved.
- mom with dogs (2)
- save the best for last; this is MY pumpkin. my FIRST pumpkin attempt ever...not bad, eh?

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