Thursday, February 22, 2007

my momma and i went to see this lovely 'feel-good' flick the other night as part of our mother/son-bonding experience of me being home for a while! and i think it goes without saying that i LOVED/ADORED/CAN'T WAIT TO OWN IT ON DVD seeing as how i live and breath drew barrymore...but besides that, the movie stirred a little something in me, and that was the "musical instrument" bug (which i thought had long since faded away!)
before you go hatin', yours truly used to (believe it or not) play the saxaphone...until i quit because i couldn't stand the feeling of wood in my mouth...the wooden reid that is, perverts...(stop giggling)
but not to toot my own horn or anything, but i was pretty damn good; my fingers moved oh so quickly over the keys, and i had a knack for picking up new tunes by ear!
but this time around, it wasn't the saxaphone that peaked my interest, it was the piano!! i know it may sound silly for a 25 year old who's never once been taught to play the piano would suddenly have an interest in learning, but i do!!
actually i have always had a deep passionate appreciation for the piano, and have always dreamed of one day being able to play. and watching this movie just renewed that passion that i thought had faded away.
and it's at this point in my life, where i'm beginning to realize that my passion could soon one day become a reality! i've been thinking of how and where i want my home to be (when i officially get a teaching job) and one thing i now know i want to have in that home, is a grand piano!!
i can just picture myself entertaining guests and leading them in a pop star inspired sing-along infused by cosmopolitans, around my sexy black grand piano!!
now, i just need to find someone to teach me to play...

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