Wednesday, March 28, 2007


well i'm currently vacationing in the big sunny city!!! and by sunny i mean that it's not minus 40 degrees out in halifax!!!

so far it's been a lovely vacation; much drinking, much debauchery, much smoochin', much hangin'!! i.e. exactly what i wanted/needed!

the fort treats me good most days, but it does start to itch at me after a while...baiscally it makes sense that we have a little mini-vaca every 4 weeks or so, seeing as how most of us are dying to get away by that point! but you all know that i loves me some school, and i am totally content with the choice i've made...even if it meant that i had to live in the arctic for a year!! just kiddin'...

it's good to keep my ties with halifax strong...since it is the place i've been able to call home for the majority of my life! and by having these strong ties, it guarantees that i'll always have a place to come back to...that is if the rest of the world shits in my face!! (which hopefully won't happen!!)

just checkin' in bitches, take care and wish me luck!

keefe out

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


we all know that i like to check in on my girl jenna from time to time...(been a fan of her work for longer than the normal gay boy should be a fan of a female porn star). these were some pics taken of my babe (lookin' mighty svelte, i might add) recently at the ed hardy fashion show in l.a.

this look in the second pic on the right is not my fav look of all time...those boots make me want to heave, and the jeans don't really do her any justice...but since it's mizz jameson, i'll make an acception to my 'heaving rule'. but only with a little advice; perez and i both agree; we miss the curves jenna!!! you always look fantastic, the gays just like seeing you healthy!

take care gorgeous!

Friday, March 16, 2007


no more fuckin' snow, + temperatures, warmth, no more heat on in your houses, cleaner air, wearing less clothes, sunny days, over-sized sunglasses a la nicole richie spring collection 2007, buying dvd's off ebay, harajuku lovers, GWEN STEFANI CONCERT MONTREAL MAY 29TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!, telling drugs to fuck off, smoking joints, booze, booze, booze, patios, march break, almost being done school, the lorax by dr. seuss, lusting after william sledd, cruising 15 year olds in the "pick and save" and adding them to facebook without knowing they were only 15 and finding out after they were already added, not having boyfriends, tasha, protecting the environment, the 3 r's, worrying about climate change, veggies, facebook, facebook, facebook, "burn it up" is the new "that's hot", hemp cream from the body shop, throwing away all your leather, animal rights, david and goliath, writing children's books for school, the new fallout boy album, dj tiga, not buying products that are tested on animals, dinner and drinks with ex-boyfriends, getting your life together, almost being a teacher, star tattoos, iPod nano's, thinking about moving to New Zealand, drew barrymore's new movies,, blonde is the new everything, walking more, jogging, still not smoking, blacking out after a night of drinking, poking people, myspace is dead, dirt on the fx network, flicks, having butter behind the concession stands again at the movies, layering your butter on your popcorn, celebrity autobiographies, scary movie "dead silence" and "the return", hostel part 2 coming out in june, "grindhouse" by tarantino and rodriguez, WEDDINGS, eating the vegetarian plate at wedding receptions, christina saying goodbye to being single, peace and love, unity, hippie thinking, hugging a tree, dumb blondes, having 10 pairs of sunglasses and wanting more, only working a little, rescue remedy, saying 'fuck you' to panic attacks, the new single by p.diddy and keyshia cole "last night", boys wearing girls jeans, not being the old man at the club, but going anyway...sometimes, careers, vonage phone, wanting my cell phone back, having all the simple life dvd's, missin' you, thinking about being a whore over vacation, crossing the U.S. border with a pill in your pocket, then never doing it again, walking puppies, dog pj's, pears, being yourself...

HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have a shamrockin' good time!!

well this week has been a little on the unorthodox side; to make a long story short an evil from my past which i thought had long since reared it's ugly head, decided to rear it once more...what followed was about 3 full days worth of panic attacks so bad that i thought the world was ending...i managed to come away full tilt, but not before i freaked out in my social studies class...

after pulling myself out of that black hole, and deciding to turn over a new leaf...a more professional, grown-up one, one that doesn't include those pretty little pills that i can't seem to get away from, or any other illicit substance of the sniffing sorts...i even changed my hair!! i know i can say that i'm going to behave till i'm blue in the face and it won't mean anything...but i feel a change in my bones. i always prayed that something would happen that would scare me out of this way of life that's got such a choke-hold on me, and i think this past weekend was finally it. for anyone who's ever had panic attacks, knows exactly what i'm talking about...all the air seems to escape from the room, and you can't see past what you're feeling at that exact moment...

moving on, after that fiasco my beloved harley had to be taken to the vet...basically it turns out he has some sort of herniated disc (sic) that requires him to go on a pretty little pill (no, not the same kind) to make him better...a steroid "anti-inflammatory" of sorts that will make him all better. i cried, he cried, but he's on his way to recovery. looking into that little dog's eyes, i'm continuously reminded of just what i'd do for him...he's my life, and i can't bare to see him uncomfortable, or in pain...i would truly do just about anything for that little dog! (and jet too, of course!)

so it's the weekend, and you know what that means; 2 whole days of drunken debauchery ahead of us!! and this weekend is a little unique seeing as how it's st. paddy's day!! coming from an (almost) irish upbringing (keefe isn't far from o'keefe) i'm planning to celebrate with my true irish lovely "carolyn"! she's throwing a party at her place in canada that's sure to be a jolly good time! so as i bid you all a fantastic weekend, and a happy st. patrick's day, i hope you all drink a green beer, and have a toast to the irish!

top o' the mornin' to ya

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Grindhouse Final Trailer

i think i just came a for yourself...

Friday, March 09, 2007


This semester (and last for that matter) in my social studies and science classes, the running theme has been "climat change".

In the news lately, scientists are finally admitting man's role in the planet's vast climate change we've been experiencing over the past decade or so. (fyi; did you know that 2005 was the hottest year in recorded history??)

By man's role in climate change i'm referring to the fact that the human race is quickly being blamed as the sole reason we've been experiencing the growing epidemic of global warming. Deforestation is becoming a problem more than ever; pollution rates are soaring; more and more chemicals are being dumped in the oceans than before, and aerosol products are destroying the atmospheric ozone layer.

for more on the topic and the seriousness of the issue i suggest you all watch al gore's docu-drama "an inconvenient truth"...i guarantee it will scare the living shit out of you...especially since it basically blames some of the world's worst environmental catastrophes (umm, hurrican katrina anyone?) on US!

those of you who don't recycle/compost, or those of you who litter on a regular basis/use your vehicle too much/cut down trees/eat meat (sorry that last one was a personal one) GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER PEOPLE CAUSE WE'RE DESTROYING THE PLANET...

we're being taught that as future educators to the next generation, it is our utter responsibility to teach them about the dangers of living a frivolous lifestyle (i.e. one that includes the above mentioned activities...)

"the lorax" by dr. seuss pic above was written in 1971 and centers around deforestation; basically the lorax is a little creature who speaks for the trees (since they have no voice of their own) and is trying to educate the factory workers on the dangers of cutting down and destroying our planet's forests. like i said it was written in 1971...that was 35 years ago people, and now today this is still just as prevolent an issue as ever before!!!!! we're obviously doing something wrong!?!?!?!?! (i suggest you read this lovely little book by dr. seuss; or watch the's on search for "the lorax" it's only about 30 minutes long, and i seriously believe that watching it will open up your eyes to just what man is doing to the planet.

think about it.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Friday, March 02, 2007

101 things you may or may not know about me
1. I am extremely paranoid sometimes.
2. I can be really insecure.
1. my dogs are the most important thing in my life.
2. I have one of the biggest addictive personalities of anyone I know.
3. I like to drink a little too much.
4. I can’t wait to be a teacher.
5. I think eating meat is just wrong and disgusting.
6. I’m completely and totally 100 % addicted to tattoos; I have 9 already and don’t see myself stopping anytime soon.
7. I want to live in New Zealand on the beach forever, or on a ranch with dogs and horses in Texas, al the while teaching 1st graders.
8. I’ve had sex with around 80 different people.
9. I’ve had a major std scare, (but am totally fine now)
10. I’ve done more drugs than could fit in a bath tub.
11. I’ve eaten a pill that I took out of the toilet once.
12. I once stayed up for 3 days on ecstasy.
13. the thought of doing #14 again makes me want to cry.
14. I can be really hard on myself sometimes.
15. my friends mean more to me than they will ever know.
16. I lost my gay virginity to a 35 year old british doctor/body-builder/dj in the parking garage outside of a club in Halifax…on the hood of a car.
17. I’ve had more one-night-stands with nameless faces than I can even remember.
18. I think anonymous sex is HOT, even though I can’t bring myself to do it anymore.
19. I don’t have any shame left.
20. when I start lying I can’t stop.
21. I lie to my parents all the time without even knowing it.
22. I can be completely and totally vengeful towards people who fuck with me.
23. i’m a little bit dramatic.
24. I’m a total bottom, and love every second of it.
25. I’ve slept with 3 girls before I turned to guys.
26. I’m attracted to chests, more so than cocks…but I can appreciate a beautiful dick as much as the next guy.
27. muscles turn me on more than anything else.
28. I like to be spanked really really hard.
29. I’m in love with anal beads.
30. I masturbate at least once every day.
31. I love to dominate in bed.
32. I’ve only ever had sex on e once…and it was with a stranger.
33. I can’t wait to be boring.
34. I have a fear of being that old man at the bar.
35. i’m addicted to jerks.
36. relationships make me insane.
37. I secretly think I have A.D.D or am a little bit crazy…shhh…
38. I check under the bed every night before I go to sleep.
39. I used to flip a coin sometimes; heads I was gay, tails I wasn’t…in other words I didn’t have the easiest time coming out to myself.
40. I never wanted to be gay…but now I couldn’t imagine life any other way, and thank goodness I am every day!!
41. I love myself completely and utterly.
42. I love the way I look, and I’m happy I’m teeny tiny…aka heroin chic.
43. I eat like a fuckin’ cow, but just don’t gain weight…so sue me!!
44. I really want to learn how to play the piano.
45. disease terrifies me to my core, to the point where I lose sleep over it.
46. I am in love with being in love; and I can’t wait to find it again…or for it to find me…
47. I am an eternal optimist!
48. I sing all the time; in the morning, under my breath, making dinner, shopping, in class even…life deserves song!
49. I prefer to remember things with my own head than with photographs.
50. all I want in a relationship is to find someone who can love the me that I love…
51. I believe in love at first sight, if it feels right.
52. I really want to get married one day.
53. I’m undecided on whether or not I want kids…right now I’m happy with teaching them.
54. my favorite drink is a cosmopolitan.
55. I want to marry mr. Smirnoff.
56. wine is god’s gift to man.
57. I don’t really like other gay men. (as friends I mean…)
58. women are for friendships, men are for fucking.
59. I’ve never been a top.
60. there are three important things in life; clothes, compliments, and cock.
61. I’m addicted to trash; magazines, music, movies…you name it!
62. I could wear flip flops, board shorts, and wife-beaters all day everyday.
63. electronic music is in my soul.
64. I’m a hippie at heart.
65. I’m a huge animal rights activist.
66. I do everything I can to save and protect our planet.
67. I hug trees whenever no one’s looking.
68. I feel at peace when near the ocean.
69. I can be much more serious than some may think.
70. I’m a Taurus to the core.
71. I always get my way…always.
72. I’m the only one that matters most times.
73. I wine to get what I want.
74. I don’t usually let anything stand in between me and what I want.
75. I’ve had a threesome with a boy and a girl.
76. I’ve slept with one of my friend’s roommate and ex-boyfriend without knowing it.
77. I’ve used my grandmothers Christmas money to buy coke.
78. I’m very two-faced sometimes.
79. I believe laughing is truly the best medicine, and do it as often as I can.
80. all I want out of life is to have fun and be happy.
81. I believe that if you’re bored, you’re doing something wrong…
82. I’m equal parts devil and angel…although sometimes one sticks out more than the other.
83. I both love and hate drugs.
84. my father’s an alcoholic and I fear ending up like him.
85. I’m a total mother’s boy.
86. I’m boy crazy.
87. I deserve to be a V.I.P
88. I think Paris Hilton and I were separated at birth.
89. I secretly think I have a long-lost twin brother (even though I’m an only-child.)
90. I secretly want to dress like a goth.
91. I shave my chest and under my arms.
92. I’ve never been to a tanning bed…but have had many many bad self-tanning experiences.
93. I sweat when I’m nervous.
94. I wear girls’ jeans and carry girls’ bags.
95. I’m pretty gay…like super gay…and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
96. I love to write; stories, poetry, letters, rants, raves…and want to someday publish a novel.
97. I think I may have missed my calling as a stylist.
98. I’m retardedly obsessed with celebrities.
99. I eat a huge bowl of popcorn every night.
100. my idea of a perfect date is dinner, drinks, a movie, and buttery popcorn.
101. my favorite designer is louis vuitton.


so eli roth and quentin tarantino are giving us another look into their sick and twisted view on the terrifying world of giving us a second dose of every traveler's worst nightmare.

this is the teaser poster, featuring a naked and decapitated bijou philips...the teaser trailer doesn't give you much more insight, but is still worth a gander for those of you who loved and hated the first one as much as i did. (and by hated, i mean it scared the living shit out of me and made me never want to stay in a hostel again...)

the second time around promises us more of the same torture and demeaning behavior that the first one alloted us...a must for horror and quentin fans alike.

you could say i'm a little excited!!

wooo hahahaha

some people look better when they don't smile...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Beautiful Liar Beyonce ¬ Shakira

hot, hotty, hott...shakira and beyonce...who'd a thought?!?