Wednesday, March 28, 2007


well i'm currently vacationing in the big sunny city!!! and by sunny i mean that it's not minus 40 degrees out in halifax!!!

so far it's been a lovely vacation; much drinking, much debauchery, much smoochin', much hangin'!! i.e. exactly what i wanted/needed!

the fort treats me good most days, but it does start to itch at me after a while...baiscally it makes sense that we have a little mini-vaca every 4 weeks or so, seeing as how most of us are dying to get away by that point! but you all know that i loves me some school, and i am totally content with the choice i've made...even if it meant that i had to live in the arctic for a year!! just kiddin'...

it's good to keep my ties with halifax strong...since it is the place i've been able to call home for the majority of my life! and by having these strong ties, it guarantees that i'll always have a place to come back to...that is if the rest of the world shits in my face!! (which hopefully won't happen!!)

just checkin' in bitches, take care and wish me luck!

keefe out

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