Friday, December 07, 2007


from the small HBO screen on which we all fell in love, to the big silver screen itself...our sexy ladies are on their way. while the info that there was a "sex and the city" movie in production is not news, the official teaser trailer was released today and, well, i got a little excited!!! haha!!

i tried to post it to my blog but it was "unpostable" you'll have to go search for it yourself!! haha!

i was a little unsure about how i felt about my favorite tv show making the leap to "flick" status...but all in all, i have high hopes. you never know what to expect when a tv show is made into a movie, but when you're as good as "sex..." is i know they wouldn't let us die-hard's hopes down!! at least i hope not.

i've been very careful to avoid any and all leaks that have made their way onto the internet, and you can bet your bottom dollar i intend to remain that way! we're not having a repeat perfomance of what happened with the finale...fuckin' eh...


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