Thursday, September 15, 2005

baby spears

well it's official ladies and gents...britney's a mom! yesterday, shortly after 1pm in santa monica, california britney 'fatty' spears and husband kevin 'dirtbag' federline arrived at the hospital (with a police escort) shortly before 6 am and were whisked away into a birthing suite. a few hours later she was wheeled into a delivery room and within minutes via c-section, brit delivered a healthy baby BOY!!

awwww, good for her!

a source close to spears (i hate it when magazines say that) told US magazine that "pregnancy has not agreed with britney..." well DUH!!! have any of you seen the whale lately??? she was humongous! but i'll get to that in a minute.

although the couple has not yet legally named the baby, sources say they plan to name him "preston michael spears federline."


now onto the bitchiness: she was an ugly pregnant person! wasn't she? i mean, she just totally let herself go, and used it as an excuse to eat all the shit she wanted to! in short that girl did not take care of herself! and what was with cutting her hair off? who told her THAT was a good idea, she looked more like a cracked out courtney love than anything else!! in short she was totally missing the radiance that most glowing pregnant women have!

so she's a mother at 24...good for her! probably not so good for her career...can you see her bouncing back from having a child? doubtful, if you ask me...verrrrry doubtful!

consider this; i mean she'll be off for at least a year from the biz, then when she's actually ready to come back to it all she'll probably be able to live off her earnings for a few more years...then she'll become lazy and push it off for a bit longer...then before you know it you're gold-digger of a husband will have gambled away all your cash, you'll be addicted to perkaset, jamie-lynn will be dancin' for twonies at the titty twister, and you're boy'll be pimpin' the streets of kentucky or whatever lil' hick town that you be finding yourselves in!!

i think her next single should be a lullabye...wouldn't that be sweet? or maybe a remake of "you are my sunshine".

then her and i would really be tight.

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