Wednesday, September 21, 2005


so after speaking with my new york confidante last night (who's coming back to the homeland in approximately 9 more sleeps!! eeeeek!!) i was informed of an important tidbit of information related to a topic long-ago addressed.

that topic would be on the 'waifier' of the olsen twins, mary-kate. as you may have heard, (or may have had drilled into your brain) m-k was hospitalized earlier this year for what was publicized as an eating disorder. she was caught roaming the streets of new york (where she and sister ashley go to school) on countless occassions looking pin-thin and completely washed out, not to mention homeless in baggy clothes that weren't even the least bit fashionable!

the whole world cried for her; "what a sin" we all said! "look what the pressures of fame did to the poor girl!" blah, blah, blah!!

BUT IT WAS ALL A FARCE!! i'm officially here to set the record straight; mary-kate didn't have anorexia (well maybe she did, or does but that's not the reason she was hospitalized.) according to my reliable dirt source, she's A DRUG ADDICT!!!

now let me just say; a. i'm not surprised.
b. no judgement.

apparently it was a pr firm's decision to publicize it as anorexia and not coke addiction! personally i think she should just have come out and allowed herself a spot in the "teen actor cliche" category in which she belongs, along with other fellow teenage fuck-ups like macauley and that kid from the terminator movies. both of whom, might i add, were honest enough to simply to admit to their faults and then move on.

my advice to you mary-kate, is to pull a drew and disappear from the public eye for a while, straighten up, buckle down, get better, and then reappear a beautiful reborn butterfly fresh and ready to tackle anything.

new model comes complete with perkaset perscription and lifetime supply of lucky brand cigarettes. see in store for details.

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