Monday, September 12, 2005

off to school

my lil' one is off to school tomorrow night. yuppers, jet starts obedience training tomorrow evening...and well, i'm a little bit terrified!

why's that you ask? well for those of you who don't know my youngest child, lemme just tell you that he's basically a hellion on four paws!! sometimes i think he should be black or red to mirror his behaviour! his sleek white fur is a mere facade; a mask to his deviant attitudes! he's BAD, BAD I TELL YOU!!

well i'm exaggerating a tad, but you get the drift!! he's a puppy, and he has some issues to work out...scratch that, I'VE apparently got some 'father' issues to work out! from what i hear the instructor's gonna tell me i'm the worst dog-owner that ever lived, and it's my fault he's so badly behaved.

why am i putting myself through all this??? i don't wanna come out of this feeling worse about myself!!! this is supposed to be beneficial, not harming to my ego!!! and i don't take criticism very well when it comes to my children, so if the dude gets all up in my face and insults my 'fathering' techniques i'm gonna have to bite my tongue to stop myself from sayin' something.

no i'm not that confrontational, but you know what i mean.

i just hope he doesn't go and bite some poor lil' yorkie and give himself rabies...

wish me luck!

1 comment:

lucifuge said...

i'm excited for jetty to go to school. i love him a lot, but will be more willing to take him next time if he... well, is better behaved. please tell jet i said good luck.