Wednesday, June 07, 2006


i didn't post this yesterday cause we were too busy at work, but i had to pay omen, i mean homage to the date.

yes it was june 6th, 2006 yesterday (aka 666) and in respect...or disrespect i guess would be better, michelle and i went to see "the omen" and got sufficiently creeped out.

just look into that kids eyes...EVIL i tell you!! EVIL!!

all in all it was probably one of the better horror movies i've seen in a while. it had an equal balance of suspense and creeppiness factor, and finely tuned acting! and i almost forgot just how HOTT liev schreiber is!!!

i wasn't totally sold on julia styles...she'll always be pigeon-holed as the bitchy teen in 10 things i hate about you. but the fuckin' creepiest part of the whole movie (besides the devil child which i can't even think about he's too creepy) was mia farrow. she actually played Rosemary in "rosemary's baby" (rosemary's baby was the son of the devil)and now she's back almost paying homage to her role this time around playing nanny to the evil child. she was fantastic!

anyways, i recommend seeing it in the theatre for shock value...there were these two girls off to the side, and every time they screamed the whole theatre screamed along with them!!

i love it when that happens!

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