Saturday, August 04, 2007

i guess it just wasn't meant to be...thank you all for your NON support;

dear russel,

i'm very sorry and a tad bit embaressed that i have to write you this email, but i am going to have to back out of adopting the puppy from you. after moving back to halifax from maine, i had no choice but to move in with my parents until i finished my student teaching and found myself a job...

hence my problem...i'm extremely displeased with their decision not to allow another puppy into "their" house...but alas it is their house. i considered paying you the entire fee for the puppy, and asking you to hold him for me for a few months, but that didn't seem fair, to you or to the pooch himself.

i have already sent you my 100 dollar deposit in the form of a money order, and after confirming to you that i was going to take him, i understand that that $100 deposit is rightfully yours, and i won't be asking for it back.

all i do ask is that in the future if our paths are to cross again, that you would once again consider me as a worthy "parent" to one of your adopted puppies.

once again i am extremely sorry, and hope that you are able to find a suitable home for the little guy quickly...there's a whole world of worthy possible pet owners out there, and i only hope that one of them finds your newspaper ads!

thanks again,

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