Thursday, December 29, 2005


a funny thing happened last night whilst i was eating dinner; the star-crossed lovers whom i denied entry into my apartment the night before, (i'm a monster, and i apologize) stopped by again to let me in on their BIG news.

christina darrigan and mark skinner...are engaged!!

6 years ago, on the eve of the millennium, they met... sharing their first kiss at the stroke of midnight...they were but kids. trying to find their places in the world, and that special someone to share their lives with.

i love thinking of how they were introduced; our dear sweet eilish was dating a gent by the name of evan...who just happened to be mark's best friend. and as non-chalently as these things go, they were introduced...and the rest my friends is history!

love's a funny thing, ain't it? in the blink of an eye it can grab ya, and six years later you find yourself with a rock on your finger, and thoughts of "modern bride" magazine floating in your head!

christina and mark have always been the couple, who have year after year renewed my faith in relationships. they have continuously surmounted many obstacles (long distance, meddling mothers...tee hee) and have always dealt with their problems in a positive way. i've always found myself comparing my 'attempts' to/with mark and chrissy. if they can do it, then it's possible! (i mean that in a good way!!) mark and christina aren't really the argumentative types, and it's hard to imagine anything really coming between them. when you think of the one you want your best friend to be with for the rest of their life...i can't imagine anybody but mark playing that role...

christina is like my other half. i can't imagine life without her...and if someone's going to take away my grace, officially i mean...i'm glad it's mark! i respect that boy, and the way he treats my lil' baby! i'm glad they found eachother.

one thing i've always admired about the two of them, is their differences. while that might sound a tad strange, what i mean is that they provide a nice balance for eachother. now i don't dare go down that "they complete eachother" path for fear of vomiting over my 'dell', i will however say that they keep eachother grounded. when some couples might let these differences come between them, chris and mark instead worked on them.

and well, when i look back at my failed attempts...i can't help but ask: WHAT'S YOUR SECRET???? just kidding! you crazy kids, getting hitched!! i must admit i'm still a little bit in shock! the thought of one of my ladies getting's quite exhilirating!!

so as 2005 rears to an end this weekend, there's officially another reason to celebrate; so let's raise a glass and toast the newly enfianced...for they are the first of the crew to bite it!!

just kidding! i love you guys, welcome to the family marcus! you know we all come along with her, right?


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