Wednesday, December 07, 2005

victoria's dirrty little secret

did anyone else watch the hot ass victoria's secret fashion show last night? well i did...well, i taped it. and started watching it this morning. close enough.

and let me just say...WOW...

those ladies are rockin' hot! now while i've always been a fan of fashion television (hey, i'm gay!) and this was quite the original spectacle!

when you think of a fashion show, you think of a boring old runway, complete with your heroin chic models, crazy techno music to set the tone, and bitchy queens in the front row while this had all of those factors, it also had a whole bunch more. the runway was glittery, the models wore extravagant costumes atop their lingerie, and the music was RocK!!

it was more like a cabaret act, complete with performances by seal and ricky martin!!

and the models, well there wasn't a 'heroin-like' thing about them! victoria only employs the highest class ladies to strut their shit!! heidi klum, (6 months after having a baby), tyra banks (her final victoria's secret show ever), and naomi campbell (absent for last night's festivities).

not to mention a few other up and commers!!

all in all, it was a visual sensation and an entertaining tour de force straight from victoria herself...i wonder what her closet looks like?

i betcha she's a whore...

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