Monday, December 12, 2005

take that harry potter!!

i've been looking forward to seeing 'the chronicles of narnia: the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe' for so long it's not even funny!! and yesterday, i was relieved!!

i'm not even joking when i say that it was so unbelievably fantastic that i was crying before the credits even rolled!!

i remember reading the complete chronicles of narnia when i was younger, and in the fourth grade, we even acted out "the lion, the witch and the wardrobe" for the school. i can't believe i remember that!! i got to be aslan, (the lion) who's the king of narnia. as soon as aslan appeared on screen, i started to bawl!!! i was sooo excited, and i must say liam neeson did a sexy job of voicing me, i mean aslan!!

when i heard that the narnia books were coming to the screen, i was a tad surprised to hear that "the lion..." was the first one to be made. since "the magician's nephew" is the first in the series. (the "the lion..." is the second, followed by "the horse and his boy"). but 'the magician's nephew' isn't near as exciting as the second one, so i guess it makes sense.

honestly, the story is so wonderful that i predict it'll sweep the harry potter phenomenon off it's little magician feet!!! it's full of magic, fantastic characters, and mind blowing special effects!!

in case you haven't read the books yet, i'll give you a little back story; set during
the second world war, a single mother sends her 4 children to live with the mysterious professor so's out of harms way. when one day during a routine game of hide and seek, the youngest tot lucy discovers 'the wardrobe'. choosing it as her hiding space, she tumbles down the story's surrogate rabbit hole and into the lovely land of narnia.

turns out that narnia was expecting her. having been under the ruling of the white witch for over a hundred years, they've been awaiting the two sons of adam and the two daughters of eve, fortold by the prophecy who are coming to lead the army led by aslan, to regain control of narnia and defeat the white witch forever!

it's a fun filled ride, suitable for kids of all ages. check it out! and be sure to think of me when you see aslan...the similarities are uncanny!

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