Thursday, April 27, 2006

loves the becks

you know how much of a whore i can be for a hot pair of sunglasses...and well you know how much of a whore i can be for david beckham and anything beckham put the two together in one juicy add for 'police eyewear' and i'm already coming in my chinos!!

does he get hotter as the days go by, or is it just me? it's funny the way i feel towards the becks; cause i wasn't totally thrown by him when he first appeared on the scene. i mean, he was built and adonis-like in his sporty little 'football' shorts, but i just didn't quite understand all the hoop-la.

and it wasn't until he jetsetted his way to superstardom as a hunky hunky tattooed, stylish, and metrosexual british icon that i got aboard the beckham train!! then he married posh spice, and we know how coo-coo i am for my spices...and started naming his kids all kinds of hot names (brooklyn, romeo, cruz...i'm even thinking of naming my next dog 'cruz').

i even had a david beckham hair cut, and not just the faux-hawk that he seems to have coined as his own, but when he had a BLONDE hawk...actually it was really just a blonde stripe painted down the center of my head...but i copied it off of david himself!!

all in all, he's def on my list of favourites!! and he definitely gets hotter with time! fatherhood hasn't made this man soft...

and how hot is the missus these days?? it's hard to believe that 3 kids popped outta that itsy bitsy figure!!

let's just say that they're going to have BEAUTIFUL know, when they grow up...

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