Thursday, December 28, 2006


well as the holidays wrap up for yet another year, one night of guaranteed debauchery still is waiting in the betcha, it's the night we wave a fond farewell to 2006 and with open drunken arms welcome in the new year, in hopes that it will bring us tidings of love and joy...and a few less shit storms than the past one!

i don't know about you, but i'm not the least bit sad to see 2006 come to an end. it started out a little bit promising, then it all fell apart. come to think of it, besides me moving away and going back to school, not much of any 'good' has actually happened this year. and i'm not saying this to be depressing, it's just that can only get better, right?? well, at least i hope so.

sure we had some good times, some drunken times, some happy times, some laughs, and some new pairs of shoes...but as optimistic as i am in regards to life and everything in general, i can't really say that 2006 has brought me any sort of advancements. i've had a slew of failed relationships this year, and some sadness, and some overall shitty bad moods...BUT, the outlook is good!!! you heard it here first.

so come on 2007!!! let's make this a rockin' one! school is amazing, i'm surrounded by fantastic people, i have a clearer head than i did at the beginning of last year, and i'm (overall) in a lovely place.

so as we get ready to kick 2006's ass out the door, let's raise a glass of baby pink champagne in hopes of more amazing times to come!


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