Thursday, February 03, 2005


well last night i was talking with the lovely miss brianne about something that has begun to strike me all the more deeper lately. maybe it's the weather that brings these people out, or maybe it's the fact that i have two animals of my own now...but have you noticed lately how much "fur" you can see strung across someone's back, walking down the street?????

i ask you people, in the year 2005, how can some people still think it appropriate to wear fur??? have we not learned anything in the last 5 decades??? it's completely and utterly barbaric and there's just no reason for it!

when did it become acceptable to wear fur again? who was it that said that it was aesthetically pleasing to the eye? who needs to be THAT warm in the winter that you feel the need to wrap a dead animal around yourself???

now i'm not the most opinionated person in the world, but i do care about things...really! i do! and lately things have been burning up inside of me and the only place for them to go is out my mouth!!!!!!! (in the form of venting!! in case that wasn't clear...)

now as brianne brought up, when you see some of the elder ladies wearing them it's almost not as bad...simply because it's what they've always known! their mothers probably wore them, same as her mother before that. and for some reason they don't sem as guilty of murder as people nowadays. you can't really change the mind of an elderly person; they're somewhat set in their ways, you know what i mean? so when you see this tiny old lady with her aviator sunglasses on and a little bonnet on her head with THIS HUMONGOUS FUR COAT DYED WHITE WITH BLACK SPOTS LIKE CRUELLA FREAKIN' DEVILLE...refrain from throwing a bucket of blood on her!

BUT if anybody below the age of 40 is caught wearing something resembling the described item above (ie J. Lo) ...paint away!! no, i'm just kidding! but really!
some will say that "oh, the animal was already dead when they skinned it" or "it's not like i killed it myself, or anything..." but no matter which way you look at it, it's cruel and completely unnecessary. bottom line.

other people might call me a hypocrite for being an admiral for animal rights and still wearing leather and eating meat...but there's a line that i draw. yes i eat meat, but rarely red meat, no fish, usually only chicken, absolutely no fur (obviously, since it probably woulnd't go with my complexion...just kiddin') and rarely any leather...only on my feet.

it's funny how even today some things still aren't totally taboo. you know what i mean? everyone is affected by the animal rights issue. everyone. whether you have animals yourself, or you know someone who can't you be touched by the thought of what has to happen to fabricate one of those disgusting coats, or hats, or mittens!!

and most people don't think they're participating in the massacre, until they realize their favourite jacket has what they thought was a "fake fur" trim or something!! these little details go unnoticed at first glance...i'll admit, i even overlooked it myself!! pay more attention next time to the coats in stores, and you'll notice that what once looked fake might actually be real...poor bunnies...

so today's lesson is; be kind to all creatures, great and small...respect oneself and the earth around us...and as charlize theron once said: "if you wouldn't wear your dog, don't wear fur".

keefe out


Lone Ranger said...

I agree. In fact, I think it's totally 60s for women to have long hair and for men to have facial hair and pony tails. I think we should do as North Korea is doing and ban hippy hairstyles. People should be dragged off the street into the nearest barbershop and be forced to pay for sensible, Republican haircuts. If you can impose your views on me, why shouldn't I be able to impose my views on you?

lucifuge said...

lone ranger: my instinct would normally tell me that a comment such as yours could only be in jest, but you're a republician, so i can assume that it isn't. suggesting that we adopt most any practise from north korea is absurd, tho. but it is indeed your opinion. i just hope you're not one of those republicans to be against free speech, because if so you should start shutting up now to get some practise.

big j: dude, i didn't even tell you about the most horrendous parts of the fur trade-- like vaginal and anal electrecution, about how the egg industry feeds the fur industry, and the incidence of the wee trapped animals chewing their legs off, etc. good blog, yo.