Friday, February 04, 2005

kisses in the morning

nothing starts a day off better than that, eh? especially when they're in a brand new bed that is the epitomy of fantastic!!

so i just saw a girl with my old hair style...yes, the mohawk has had a resurgence people! yes, ANOTHER resurgence...and i'm not talking about the "faux hawk", that silly little trend will be around forever i think...well until the UK thinks up something different!

so for those of you who never experienced the "mohawk", picture this; it wasn't so much a mohawk in cut, but a messy strip of blonde down the center of my head!!! my hair dresser just kinda painted it on with his hands, so it was far from even, but i liked it! it lasted for like 3 months before it was all cut out! i originally saw the style on david beckham (yes, mr. posh spice) on a celebrity tattoo website, and immediately knew i had to have it!

my poor place of employment!! the things i put them through!! access didn't even mind...they thought it was a bit crazy, but they went along with it!

but anywho, my point is that isn't it funny how trends seem to come and go so quickly...then resurge after a while?? now i consider myself to be a fairly 'trendy' person (with no negative connotations), while i may not always follow the trends, i atleast try to start my own, or atleast try to remain as original as possible in the way i carry myself. and for those of you who know me, you can probably definitely agree that i'm usually "original".

but what does it take to actually start a trend? how do you really know if you're trendy? where to you draw the line between following trends, and trying too hard??

the whole point of a trend is the shortness of it's life. as soon as it starts, there's this huge explosion around town and you can't seem to notice anything BUT...then in the blink of a polished's over!!

what happens to them? is there one person out there who just simply decides one day that what once was 'in' is now 'out'?? and why do people listen to 'these' people?
i wonder why society feels the 'need' to follow trends?

what happened to being and dressing like individuals? i applaud the people who don't dress to impress certain people! and what does it actually take to make/create "a trend"? cause if you look around, sometimes what's trendy isn't necessarilly attractive!! take uggs, for example. i, myself LOVE them, and enjoy the trend immensely. but, i seem to be the minority of society because most find them appauling. it's even been suggested that the name "ugg" is short for "ugly". mind you 'ugly' only has one 'g'...but that's besides the point. my point is, that they're obviously not the most beautiful boot on the planet, and people still go ape shit over them!!!! all because paris hilton told us to...

is it hollywood? is it pop culture? (is there a difference?) or are trends just a part of evolution? there will always be trends, good ones and really really really bad ones! they'll come to us out of the blue and stay for a while, until we find a new obsession...some will have staying power and others will fade away faster than miss paris' acting career...poor paris...

so children, branch out...i've told you that once before, and some of you have listened, and some of you have the next time you see those first year dal girls, with the pony-tail high atop their heads (you know the one that's messy cause you know they spent an hour making it that way), with sweat pants tucked messily into those "fuggs" with a fake fur trimmed jacket and their thong hanging out of those sweats...try not to's not her fault she's a victim!

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