Tuesday, February 15, 2005


ever wonder if our parents' generation had more fun than us? were the parties wilder? were the bars crazier? were the poisons harsher?

it donned on me last night while blake and i were watching "the banger sisters", that i started wondering if our 'ways' seem like much more fun than theirs, or if they're looking on at the way we party and saying; "amateurs!"

i mean think about it; back in the '70's, rock and roll was very much alive and throbbing, the day of disco had dawned...the world was in an uproar!! the theme of "sex, drugs, and rock n' roll" had to come from somewhere, ya know!

after the flower-child-don't worry be happy-make love not war-themes of the '60's, society just kept on going! they were in a daze, that just kept on clouding their minds!!!! priorities almost didn't exist, you worked to party, you dressed to suit your particular aura, and you rarely slept!! when you think of it, our parents generation (generation X) were CrAzY!!!!!

now look at us today!! generation next!! we're a totally different generation of youths, with totally different values...how can sooo much change over the course of a few decades? are we worse? where did we go wrong? can you imagine what our world would be like if we had kept on the same course as the '60's and '70's????? i don't know if we would have made it!!

perhaps it was just the natural course for us to take...perhaps it was just time for people to smarten up...perhaps it was just time...

what we consider taboo has certainly changed. in fact, the idea that things have BECOME taboo, shows us how MUCH things have changed! for back then, not much was prohibited at all! now look at us today! you can't even smoke in public places anymore!!! when did the world get so sanitary??? i remember that it was only like 8 years ago, when you could still smoke in the food court at the mall!! that's crazy!! i'd like to pin point the exact moment when someone woke up, and said; "wow, maybe this IS bad for us!!" of course they've gone and ruined our fun...just kiddin'!

ever think about what's going to happen in like 20 years? what drugs will be in vogue? what trends will be in? i wonder if our grandparents ever imagined things like this? not that things are bad, don't get me wrong, i love his world!!! but in comparaison to the '50's, we've come a long way!! i couldn't imagine living in those days! i'm too content with our generation, to trade it with any other!

i look at the flow of clients that come into my workplace, and i can spot the ones who were wild back in the '60's!! you know the types, they're a little burnt out, swagger a bit, and they've got a little spark in their eye, which is the last little bit of light that still glimmers from their glory days!

every generation is different, that's for sure. we've gotten smarter in regards to some areas, and maybe slacker in others! you have to admit that we as a people have learned from our mistakes for the most part...although we've still got our bad habits...i just hope we make our previous generation of flower happy, plat form wearin', pot-smokin', disco jammin', john travolta wearin' cats proud!

come on everyone, get on the train!! does anybody else hear "abba"?

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