well it would be in typical form if this were to be the case for me; since my last A.D.D with craig (Another Dating Disaster) crashed and burned like so many times before, i've been somewhat surfing the single wave...and digging it...realizing that i'm leaving soon, and there's not much point in starting something with someone, and then having to end it abruptly when the time came to move to maine.
BUT then the universe throws me a freakin' bone (and hopefully a boner) in the form of a certain prince charming (with a fantastic taste in shoes) last night, who i've since dubbed "Mr. Transit" and now i'm all confused again.
it's like when carrie met burger and had that wonderful first 'date' with him, only to find out that he had a girlfriend...i mean what's the point in meeting someone like that if they're not available?!? right??
and so i've been *somewhat* single for the last little while, wishing and hoping *in vain* for a summer fling to come my way, to officially wipe the "zsa zsa zsu gone bad" memories of last summer off my mind for good...and i got nothing!!!
NOW, after the countdown has begun, a month to go, in the middle of my summer courses, and NOW i meet someone?!?!?!?!??
WHAT THE FUCK??????? where was this a few months ago??????
and it's someone who i actually (unoficially) met quite a few months ago when i registered his vehicle and changed his driver's licence over from nb at work...
you know, it just goes to show how you should always jump at these chances when they present themselves to you in the first place...cause maybe that would have given us more time (than a month) to actually 'date' before i pack up for the states. if i wasn't such a pussy...grrr...
well date #1 is going to take place tomorrow night nevertheless...so stay tuned, and wish me luck!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
stars in my eyes
we know that i'm not usually one for recaps, but i can't help myself today; last night was SOOOOOO much fun! best night out i've had in forever! the fashion show was fantastic, a little shorter than i thought it was going to be, but unbelievable to say the least! i even got to talk with sunny d about doing my going away party, but i think he's busy that night...but oh,well!
then of course we ended up at reflections...where i proceeded to have the best dancing night i've had in a looong time! i even met a new boy and gave my sweet precious digits away!!!!
so to wrap up my Pride Week 2006 entries, i just wanted to comment on the success of the whole week! hope all ya'll had a rockin' night aswell!
the only thing i wished i had done but didn't, was skinny dip when i got home, which was my original plan...
too chilly, and didn't want to freeze the boys off!!
enjoy your hangovers kiddies!
i'm out.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
it's official, Pride 2006 is finally here!!! the rain looks like it may hold off for the parade afterall *hope, hope* and i'm super psyched for the fashion show tonight!!!
so just a quick one to wish everyone out there celebrating, a HAPPY FUCKIN' PRIDE DAY!!!! wear something colorful, hug a random lil' gay twink sometime today, and remember to CHEER LOUD AND FUCKIN' PROUD!!!!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
one 4 ma fella's
keeping with the theme of the week, i thought ma boyz needed a little pick as their shoutout during this lovely Pride Week, to keep on livin' proud and LOUD!!!!
and i had to comment on my (new) obsession: rock star; supernova...i hope everyone's taken my advice and started tuning in to the greatest rock show EVA!!!
but seriously, i'm totally digging this show...it's got everything to guarantee one HOTT summer sizzler of a success!!! and i can't keep my eyes off it! i already have my favorites, and it's already SOOO tough to pick who should go home every week, cause you can't help but appreciate a little sommething in everyone!
i honestly think it's gonna come down to Dilana (the craaazy goth chick from africa who kills EVERY week), and Toby (the HOTT australian surfer who makes my knees weak) and Lukas (a fellow Canuck, but who's voice i'm not that into...and who strikes me as a fuckin' ass...) but it is rock n' roll afterall, who knows what'll happen!
i can't wait till next week already!!! eeeeep!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
well Pride 2006 was kicked off last night with a proverbial BANG! thanks to all who helped make it a fantabulous night out! twas a tad bit of a random night...but one for the books none the less!
i hope you all get out to enjoy some of the rainbow colored festivities this week, such highlights yours truly is looking forward to are "another gay movie" parklane, wednesday night 7pm (the gay american pie, apparently), the parade on saturday afternoon followed by the annual concert, (this time on the commons), and "electronica erotica" at the marquee saturday night; 9pm (nightmagic sponsored fashion show, set to electronica.)
so be sure to hug your gay best friend this week, all you hag's out there! and put on a smile and join in on halifax's celebration of diversity in our community!
from one gay boy to another, i bid you all a HAPPY PRIDE 2006!!!!
Friday, July 14, 2006
the beat to the city
if you haven't tuned in to halifax's newest (and greatest) radio station...then you're missing out!
c 103.5 fm
rock, pop, electronica, and hip hop
i fuckin' love it already...
thanks for tip work folk!
c 103.5 fm
rock, pop, electronica, and hip hop
i fuckin' love it already...
thanks for tip work folk!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
blue eyed blonde surfer dudes
this is a little bit of a shout-out to the fabulous miss ashley, and her 'possibly' new 'hott' surfer roommate!!
i have a question for all ya'll; why is it that that surfer dude stereotype is soooo sexy??? honestly, just look at this guy...you can't say he isn't gorgeous. blonde hair, blue eyes, built physique...and he surfs!! every year around this time, you start to see more of them, you know the type; board shorts in trendy flowerprint/hawaiian motif, flip-flops, tanned skin, jack johnson spilling out the windown of his vintage ride complete with surfboard rack on top no matter the season!!
and it never gets tired!!! i don't know about you, but i swoooon every time i run into someone like this. some trends will come and go, but surfer dudes never go out of style!
so what is it about this lifestyle/look that's so appealing? i mean besides the way he looks, what else is there? is it the glorious sounding lifestyle of a bonafide "sunchaser"? wake up at dawn, paddle out into the ocean to catch a few waves, sand always underfoot, the salt water in your hair...you can't say it doesn't sound appealing.
and they're always so laidback, you know what i mean? always easygoing, good taste in music/clothes, usually friendly drinkers, and always good to the environment...they have to respect mother nature, afterall they swim in her greatest accomplishment!
it's times like these that i wish i lived somewhere a tad bit more tropical, where this lifestyle/type of guy is all there is out there!! sure they may all be permanently fried from all the sun they get, and they may all be blonde imitations of eachother...but i'm sure there's a few brunettes out there, or even a redhead for those of you who like it fiesty!
so let's take a moment shall we, and toast to all the surfers out there; may you forever ride the waves and have the sand beneath your feet!
maybe it's the fact that the board almost acts as a phallic symbol??
ahh fuck it...just enjoy!
afterall, it's summer!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Friday, July 07, 2006
you make me wanna la la
i think it was last weekend when it actually hit me; we were at christina's engagement party, and it actually came to me...wow, i'm among the 3 only single people here!!
it was somewhat eye-opening, and sad at the same time...i mean there was MARRIED couples there??? a few of them, not just one or two, PLURAL married couples!!! and granted it was an engagement party, yes...but seriously though! you can't help but think; where did i take a wrong turn?
what happened along the way?? this time last year, i was knee deep in my 'summer of love' with a boy who i actually thought might be my "you-know-what"...and when that didn't work out...well, i'm not saying there weren't (failed) attmepts, cause there has been! there's been quite a few, unsuccessful ones, yes...but still attempts...
i think when we hit a certain age, we start seeing our life from a different perspective. a futuristic one. maybe it doesn't look the way we thought it might when we were in highschool. maybe we haven't hit that point that we assumed we would. maybe we haven't found that person we thought we might have...
and i don't know about you, but i'm almost happy i haven't! cause what do those people who seem to know all the answers have to look forward to??
i've just started to realize that we have to stop living by other people's standards. you're the only one who matters...and my big problem is that i've always let other people dictate how i *think* i should be living. when where i am is exactly where i should be. i've done everything right, and even though i may not be as progressed along my path as others around me, and even though i may not have a giant ROCK on my left ring finger, and even though i'm not living in some expensive apartment...THAT'S OK!!!! everyone's life is different, and i'm fuckin' ecstatic that i've done the things i have done.
so next time you rethink something because it may not be what you've seen your friends do, or when you rethink an outfit to wear out on a saturday night cause someone questioned it's coolness...just remember these words;
this is YOUR life...how do YOU want to live it?
loves the shuff
what's on your iPod right now???
1. "sexyback" justin timberlake (song of the summer...you must have it...now.)
2. "a public affair" jessica simpson (the other song of the summer...seriously.)
3. "deja vu" beyonce (retardedly cool track)
4. "me and you" cassie (loves it)
5. "chelsea" stefy (kinda sounds like 'sweet dreams')
6. "candyman" christina aguilera (look for it, if it was meant to be, you'll find it...ie it's new)
7. "stars are blind" paris hilton (you know you want it...)
just a hint kids...download at will.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
just a quickie before i go to bed...uh, if you haven't seen rockstar supernova yet...TUNE THE FUCK IN!!!
we all know how HOTT i am for tommy lee...well throw in dave navarro (number 3 on my spank bank list) teamed up with the ever lovely brooke burke as hosts...and jason newstead (of metallica fame) and gilby clarke (from guns n roses to name a few) and one of rolling stone's top rated producers of 2006...
AND don't forget to add in the hott-ass group of hardcore rockers all vying to be the new lead singer for "supernova", (the next superstar-formed rock band)...
seriously folks, i had fuckin' goosebumps the whole time...it's unbelievable! the energy, the style, the ROCK!!!!
if you're a fan of rock then you owe it to yourself to watch!
you can thank me later! i seriously am so excited about this show this summer, that i think i just came on my laptop!
Monday, July 03, 2006
mr doucette
well since we're coming off a long canada day weekend, i felt it right to send a shout-out to a fellow canadian in the spotlight right now!
this is chad doucette, currently one of the top 9 male finalists on the canadian idol countdown this year! and not only is this junior hotty a canuck, but he's from nova scotia. east chezzetcook, apparently...wherever that is, i'm assuming the sticks!!
and not only is he beautiful, but he totally just sang one of my top favorite songs "save the last dance for me", which was just recently redone by another canadian singing sensation michael buble (who i'm also quite a fan of).
who knew there were so many hot canadian boys out there???
but seriously, i've been tuning into the show just to see him perform...if only he was a little older...hey, the last few i've dated were older, so why not someone younger???? ...no but really, he has a wonderful stage presence, a rockin' voice for someone his age (i'm not telling you how young) and he just may have what it takes to wow the country!
check him out for yourself!
this is why i can NEVER have a sidekick
so yesterday, my mother was watching me vacuum...she was just making sure i was doing it correctly...(stop laughing cause you know it's true), my phone beeped and i actually picked it up and started texting...
now if that's not problematic, i don't know what is! texting is a disease people!! i warn you now! if you don't do it (you don't text??? what's wrong with you people??) don't start!!!!!
i text in the bathroom, in the bar, on the bus, waiting in lines, walking the dogs, while i'm even freakin' vacuuming!!!! that's just not cool. if my phone was ever to break, like the time the space button and the send button got stuck, i almost lost my mind!!!!
but just look at the beautiful sidekick...maybe now that i'm going to be living in the states i can get one...hmmm...
uh oh...this is not a good side of me.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
after a lovely weekend of engagement parties and dancing with certain special someones (who i still wish would open up to me a little more, hint hint H.C) tomorrow i start my summer courses.
yes, that's right tomorrow i rejoin the poor student section of our fare society; the land of loans, coffee addicts, and all-night study sessions. it's funny comparing this time with my first university experience. i mean, i did pretty well without ever really trying that hard. i mean, we seriously partied during my first four years...sure we slowed down a bit near the end, but all in all we were fairly hardcore!!
tomorrow officially marks a new chapter in this (sometimes) rocky road towards (dare i say it) adulthood, and not to mention a career to go with that stage. i've been feeling lately like it's time to put away old tired toys, and start working towards a future goal.
i mean, look where i went saturday night; (before the dancing) i was in the 'engagement' section of the hallmark store...buying a card for my best friend!!! does anybody else feel like they're on the slow bus to school?!?
no, i'm exaggerating...seriously though, i love my life. i love where it is, i love where it's been, and i love where it's taking me.
but i can't say it's not a little frightening aswell as exciting, all at the same time.
so as of tomorrow, i'm starting my new role as stargazer (the ones in the sky this time for my astronomy course) and business associate (stupid economics).
wish me luck!!
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