Monday, July 03, 2006

this is why i can NEVER have a sidekick

so yesterday, my mother was watching me vacuum...she was just making sure i was doing it correctly...(stop laughing cause you know it's true), my phone beeped and i actually picked it up and started texting...

now if that's not problematic, i don't know what is! texting is a disease people!! i warn you now! if you don't do it (you don't text??? what's wrong with you people??) don't start!!!!!

i text in the bathroom, in the bar, on the bus, waiting in lines, walking the dogs, while i'm even freakin' vacuuming!!!! that's just not cool. if my phone was ever to break, like the time the space button and the send button got stuck, i almost lost my mind!!!!

but just look at the beautiful sidekick...maybe now that i'm going to be living in the states i can get one...hmmm...

uh oh...this is not a good side of me.

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