Sunday, July 16, 2006


well Pride 2006 was kicked off last night with a proverbial BANG! thanks to all who helped make it a fantabulous night out! twas a tad bit of a random night...but one for the books none the less!

i hope you all get out to enjoy some of the rainbow colored festivities this week, such highlights yours truly is looking forward to are "another gay movie" parklane, wednesday night 7pm (the gay american pie, apparently), the parade on saturday afternoon followed by the annual concert, (this time on the commons), and "electronica erotica" at the marquee saturday night; 9pm (nightmagic sponsored fashion show, set to electronica.)

so be sure to hug your gay best friend this week, all you hag's out there! and put on a smile and join in on halifax's celebration of diversity in our community!

from one gay boy to another, i bid you all a HAPPY PRIDE 2006!!!!

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