Thursday, January 20, 2005


do you believe in luck? how 'bout fate? destiny?

are there certain people out there who are geneticaly predisposed to being more fortunate than others? or do they just have shamrocks shoved so far up their asses, that all they have to do to win things is open their mouths?!?

what makes someone lucky? what makes someone un-lucky? or are the people who seem to have "bad luck" just the ones who dwell on the shittier aspects of life? (ie pesimists)

or is luck just coincidence? just mere flukes? but then why do some people have more flukes than others?

when someone has a 'lucky' it just a 'good' day? as opposed to a 'bad' day? why do we automatically assume it has anything to do with 'luck'?

i wonder who even came up with this concept of luck? it almost sounds like a scape goat? you know what i mean? just an easy explanation that needs no explanation! it's like a way of shooing aside a situation; just blame it on luck! or lack thereof, in some situations!

my first tattoo that i got when i was 15 1/2 is a four leafed clover! so you can see where my fascination with this concept comes from! i've always been a believer in luck...but i don't necessarilly think that some people have more luck than others...maybe it just shines on us sometimes!!!

i think they call those 'lucky days'!!

but maybe we could ram a shamrock up our asses to better our chances...what do you think?

1 comment:

lucifuge said...

shamrock ass-play would beat the gerbil ass-play i normally partake in. let's give it a go!