Monday, January 10, 2005


well i'm officially going to start a support group (Red Bull Addicts Anonymous) yeah, i'm beginning to go over the deep end!! i've begun having them all the more frequently, and it's starting to have adverse effects on me; instead of giving me the pure pleasure associated with a common caffeine buzz, it's now making me edgy...and not in the christina aguilera "edgy" way, i mean the 'gonna snap at the next person who tells me it's bad for you' way!!

don't get me wrong, it still gets me CrAzY hyper, but it's now accompanied by tremors of paranoia, and spells of darty-eyes/loud noises/snapping at random people-type behaviours!!

maybe i should stop mixing it with coffee...that might help, eh?

for those of you who've never experienced the lovely creation that is "red bull", let me just describe it as a sweeter "sprite" with kick. it claims to be a natural health product, promoting better alertness and awareness, by providing the "user" (scary word) with an energy boost thanks to sugar and above all caffeine (80mg).

well let me just tell you, the first time i had it, my arm went numb. it's like having 3 cups of strong coffee, but more refreshing thanks to the fact that it's served chilled. it's my perfect hangover cure, due to the fact that the morning after i always want carbonation (pop) and caffeine (coffee), therefore even though pop does have both, red bull is the best alternative...much more satisfying!

NOW, sepposedly it's being taken off the market!!!!!!! if someone else tells me today how bad it is for you, i'm gonna scream!!!

actually today's the 11th, i started writing this entry yesterday amid my frustrations, but alas 4:30 came along and i had to leave it unfinished...but that doesn't mean that i'm any less frustrated at this sudden turn of events! the people at Red Bull have created a product that is obviously highly addictive, cause those of you who know me, know that i sooo don't have an addictive personality (pause for comic effect) so my NEED for the sweet red bullness can be nobody's fault but the manufacturers!!!! damn them, damn them, damn them!!

what am i and the other millions of red bull addicts going to do now?!? are we sepposed to rely on some other mildly satisfying caffeine beverage to get our fix? are we just sitting ducks until the next new "it" product is revealed? why does the world introduce wonderful new things to us, then take them away before we're finished enjoying them???

and i'm sure that some of the r.b. fiends are going out and cleaning out their local corner stores of their red bull supply...but now everyone's terrified me and i'm afraid to drink it!!!! i have seen no concrete evidence as to the dangers of red bull, simply hearsay from random people who say it has harmful effects! but now (because i'm overly paranoid) i'm afraid my liver's going to dissolve and leak out somehow!!!! *knock on wood* damn everyone and their propaganda against my caffeine cravings!!!!!

well i guess i'll just wait and see what comes of these so called "studies" on my non-alcoholic drink of choice. you never know, maybe they'll say it "cures" cancer next?!?

hey, it could happen...

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