Tuesday, January 18, 2005


well it's tuesday kiddies, yes, tuesday! and for the devote followers that means i haven't written in 2 (business) days! scads, i know!! but friday there was an unfortunate incident involving martin and my computer (at work) and my work-in-progress blog went missing...sad, i know! i was going to try and re-type it, but i was afraid i wouldn't do it justice! so i'll try and recreate it another time!

on the other end, yesterday was a snow day! woohoo! except, that it was like another sunday! and we all know how much i enjoy sundays! (not at all, in case you were stuck). well at least not two in a row! cause everything i needed to get done this weekend, i did on sunday! and then come yesterday i was searching for things to clean/rearrange/dust!!! scary, eh? but nevertheless it was a fantastic ending to an even more fantastic weekend!!

friday night we all went out dancing to pacifico and then to reflections, saturday blake and i got a wee bit of a buzz and went shopping (yes, shopping) at the mall, then came back to my place where we proceeded to dye his hair (a beautiful mix of strawberry blonde and a fiery copper), then we had a few beers and watched/had sex in the city! sorry sweety, i couldn't help it!!

this week promises to be a good one (hopefully), and since it started out with a snowday i guess we can't complain! blake and i are going to see "the life aquatic..." tonight, not really sure what it's about, but he assures me that i'll like it! here's hoping!! and then we're all going out on friday night!! and in between i'm sure there'll be a few random bouts of fun thrown in there sometime!!

stay tuned!!

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