Monday, January 08, 2007


going along with the idea of change that i've adopted for 2007, i under went hypnosis today...yes, for the second an effort to quit smoking once and for fuckin' all. i'm so hoping it will work this time, actually scratch that...i'm so hoping i will stick to it this time, and not get cocky or down on myself and turn to those nasty nasty poison sticks again.

the whole idea behind hypnosis just floors me. i can't really say i fully understand the actual premise behind the whole deal...but i can say that i believe in it.

i left the office in the same state that i left the last time; a little dazed and confused...but hopefull. and that's all that matters. it was a woman doctor who i saw this time, and she had the most soothing german accent i've ever heard. which is ironic because i don't usually find german accents the least bit melodic, but it was pretty nice!

anyways, stay tuned for updates my kiddies...and keep those fingers crossed for me!

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