Thursday, January 04, 2007

H 2 DA ott

recently i started thinking about where exactly i'm going to want to be teaching when i graduate from university, and it struck me...i can go ANYWHERE!!

that's one good thing that always hits me when i'm not in a relationship; and that's that there's absolutely nothing tying you down!! no one else to consider before you make decisions; no one else's situation to take into account; and basically no one else to worry about!!

you can be completely and totally selfish...well, not selfish in the strictest sense,but you have nothing keeping you in one compromises to consider...just you!

which obviously paves the way for loneliness to eventually settle in...BUT at least you'll have lots of freedom to take advantage of, right?? i guess it all depends on what way you look at the situation...

anyways, i'm getting side tracked...when i was thinking of locales on which to take up residence, certain attractive options came to zealand has to be at the top of my's warm, tropical, all around beautiful, and land of the zandel (apparently that's what they call flip-flops). my cousin is currently teaching there. he just got a permanent position, and actually just got married to a lovely little local as well! in short, it's paradise!!

a second option, and just as hot a climate, would be texas...yuppers, don't mess with texas's where i'd like to be!! my uncle lives and works down there as well and he speaks very highly of it. aside from the texas chainsaw massacre chapters, i've always been quite fond of the warmth and down-home-straight-outta-the-south atmosphere that emanates from that fine state...and if they could just forget about Bush for one second, then maybe we could get along juuuuust fine.

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