Tuesday, January 16, 2007


by the way, what i write on here is for a select group of people...that select group of people is commonly known as "MY FRIENDS", to which some people are not really a part of...i think 'they' know who they are.

i don't give a shit if my blog offends people, i don't give a shit if it hurts peoples feelings, i don't give a shit if it's controversial, i don't give a shit if it comes off bitchy/mean/hurtful/insensitive/malicious/childish ect...because guess what????


so if you find yourself thinking that maybe you may fall into the category of my "non friends" then ask yourself: WHY AM I READING THIS ANYWAY???

cause here's another little piece of info for ya; i don't write this for you, i don't write this for any of my ex'es (except for you blake...i'm still your biggest fan!!), and i don't write this for people i don't like...

i write this blog for ME...how do some people even find the address, is something i've found myself asking myself a lot lately...but one thing i'm sure of; i'm not apologizing for something that i wrote on here that got misinterpreted by someone who assumes the world revolves around them...

so in closing; if ever you got (in error) an invitation to read my inner thoughts and rambles...and you know i don't want you here...i hereby revoke it.


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