Thursday, August 31, 2006


excuse the rampant images of boys that may be flodding my blog lately, but when you're living in "no-man's land" (literally) such as i, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta keep himself busy that is! so consider this my "dreaming of hotter times" entry for the week.

all this lavalife talk with (you know who you are) has got me all hot and got me reminiscing of my cruiseline days...ahhh, hot boys all only a phone call away! some might put the ways of gay sex dial-a-date lines down and categorize them in the "desperate" category...but in fact those who would do such a thing haven't tried them. and as the saying goes; don't knock it until!!

in my opinion it's a means to an end. a very 'direct' means to an end...and the end, if all goes well, is usually sticky but very very fun! i've pretty had every type of cruiseline experience there is to have! good ones, hot ones, old ones, bad ones, and all the ones in between. i believe my best story to date involves a day at the beach, and a half hour inbetween...renee knows all about this one. basically it went a little something like this; renee was coming to pick me up for a day at the beach, and i had about a half hour to waste; what a better time (as any) to hop on the ol' cruiseline and see what's up. so that i did, and a connection was made with a certain gentleman caller...the conversation was basically:
"well i'm leaving for the beach in 20 minutes...can you be here now?" said i.
"sure baby, what's your address?" said he.
"63 st margarets bay rd, apt 25"
"be there in five"

and he came as fast as he came...let me tell you!!

nothing beats a good quickie before a day of maxin' and relaxin' in the sun and sand...

ahhh, summer...

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