Friday, August 18, 2006

never, and lates

ends and nevers

i shouldn't have put this as my opening photo, seeing as how it gives away the surprise for tomorrow night...but consider it a preview for tomorrow night's festivities for all of my loyal readers! (in case you've been sleeping under a rock for the past few weeks, this is my official "fuck you bitches, i'm leaving" t shirts i had made for tomorrow night's ssspecial occassion!!)

today was surprisingly hard; i hadn't anticipate just how i was going to feel saying 'goodbye' to my access crew. i mean, you spend 8 hours (sometimes more) with all these people every day...that's more than i see my family for shitsakes!!! you can't help but become accustomed to seeing them...and therefore they will be surely missed!

they got me a cake, and had a little party...complete with cards (that i won't read till tomorrow seeing as how they started to make me cry today while i was still at work...and i just don't feel strong enough to read them just as of yet).

this has been an extremely hard few weeks...while i was knee-deep in astronomy over the last 6 weeks i was able to push these feelings aside, thinking that i'll just deal with them later...later, eh? well that 'later' is now!! and i still don't feel ready for it.

i know it's time, i know it's right...this new chapter is starting with or without me and my proverbial train is leaving in just a few short days. only 3 days and 8 long (sure to be stressful) hours are keeping me from my new as i take a deep breath, i prepare myself for the chaos that is sure to be my going-away party, and my new adventureand future career that's staring me in the eyes...

...i think i may need a push!

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